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This Week In Video Games 1/6/20 — 1/10/20
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 11th of January 2020 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week We are finally back in a, mostly, full swing as the new year has kicked off and we are on the hunt for all of those fun new things in the world of video games. We are still in a bit of a lull when it comes to the big and exciting news, but I am sure that will kick off here very soon. We did just have some fun news for Dreams and the PS5 flow out there and other video games did get a bit more of the highlight. Read More...
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The Kraken Is About To Be Released In The Surge 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of January 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
The Surge The next DLC for The Surge 2 is about to rise up on us and add a plethora of new things for us to deal with in The Surge 2 It feels like we just got a nice big DLC drop for The Surge 2, yet here we are talking about the next one that is going to be dropping on us all on January 16th here for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I am not saying it is not a bad thing, but it is a sign that Deck 13 is still churning things out at a rapid rate and keeping the game flowing and growing as we would all want it to. Especially when we get more than just weapons and gear thrown into the mix and a whole new story section for The Surge 2 with a new, big, bad boss to take on when all is said and done. Read More...
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The JCPD Team Is On It For New Gear In The Surge 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of November 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
The Surge New gear for The Surge 2 is out there for you to grab and use to survive more of the horrors in The Surge 2 It looks like there is more loot out there for you to scavenge in The Surge 2, as we have the JCPD Gear Pack out there for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. As in out there right now for those who have picked up the latest update for the game that Deck 13. I am sure that you have and you did not even know it. That is the loveliness of having auto-updates for The Surge 2 turned on while you are away from your system. Read More...
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Experience The First Big Bit That The Surge 2 Has To Offer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of September 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
The Surge The first twenty minutes of The Surge 2 is out there and it looks like it will be a bit of a deviation from The Surge than we may have expected The Surge 2 is only a day out from launch, or hours for those who live in those time zones and all that, but that does not stop us from having a whole lot of new gameplay out there to drag us in. It is nothing that has officially been placed out there by Deck 13 as of yet, obviously, yet it does let us all experience the first twenty minutes of the game. Yes, the first twenty minutes of The Surge 2, which also includes a nice little boss fight we will get to experience in the game. Read More...
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The Surge 2 Is Coming & Looking Much Better Than Expected
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of September 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
The Surge 2 The launch trailer for The Surge 2 is almost here and we will see better graphics for The Surge 2 on the Pro and One X systems Next week marks when The Surge 2 will be dropping on the world with all of the limb-severing action we have been promised and seen so far. If you have been following along this whole time, then this is not big news and you have known that September 24th will bring the game to your PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Deck 13 has offered up so much for the game before then that we have been able to take in. Now we have a new trailer for The Surge 2 to celebrate the game. Read More...
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Soon, Everyone Will Understand What Is Up In The Surge 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of September 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
The Surge 2 New trailers for The Surge 2 are here to show off some of the story and then a lot of the limb slicing we will get in The Surge 2 We are so close to the release of The Surge 2 and we have so many more trailers for the game flowing out there for us now. It makes perfect sense given how quiet things were from the start of it all and now that Deck 13's title is about ready, here we go again. This time it is in the way of new story bits for The Surge 2 and yet another look at how the limbs will be sliced off in the game. Kind of the cornerstone of what this game is all about here. Read More...
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You Are What You Kill Within The Surge 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of September 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
The Surge Another new trailer for The Surge 2 is here to show off a bit of the customization options and actions we will be able to take in The Surge 2 The limbs are going to be flying here soon in The Surge 2 and that also means that we will be out there collecting all of the fun items that come with said limbs. That is one of the core elements of the game that Deck 13 has placed out there before and making a comeback in this title too. Not the big surprise as it was a solid progression system for us all to have. Read More...
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The Surge 2 Offers Up Some New Combat Looks For Us All
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 30th of August 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
The Surge A new combat trailer for The Surge 2 is here to give a slight taste on how it has evolved since the last The Surge title The combat is flowing for The Surge 2 and we have more proof on how it is all changing and evolving. Well, at least a bit as it all seems like Deck 13 is still keeping with the tried and true combat we had in the last title. We will still be targeting limbs and hacking things apart in the world. But as The Surge 2 is just a progression in the franchise, it makes sense that we would get something new mixed in. Read More...
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We Will Have More To Overcome To Upgrade & Survive With In The Surge 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 31st of July 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
The Surge One more gameplay trailer for The Surge 2 is here to give us more of the city and other aspects to expect in The Surge 2 when it launches next month There looks to be even more to slice and dice in The Surge 2, as we have yet another trailer to take in and take a look around Jericho City before September 24th hits us. It definitely looks like Deck 13 is packing the game with everything they can and building off the last title. It even looks like The Surge 2 will have even more verticality than before based on the latest we have here today. Read More...
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The Surge 2 Cuts Us All Deep With Some New Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of June 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
The Surge Gameplay for The Surge 2 is out here now with some developer commentary to explain what has changed for The Surge 2 since we last played We finally have some gameplay for The Surge 2 to take in and see more than the cinematic changes that have been placed into the game from Deck 13. I know all I have seen in the past for the game has been some fancy pre-rendered trailers but now we see all of the limb-slicing and robot dodging action that we should have expected for this franchise. That and how some of the new online features will work in The Surge 2. Something I am sure will cause some issues in the game, but it is what it is. Read More...
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The Surge 2 Gets All Cinematic Out At E3 2019
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of June 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
The Surge A new cinematic trailer for The Surge 2 is here to give us one more feel for how The Surge 2 may play out The hype train is still rolling for The Surge 2 as we have another cinematic trailer to look at fresh out of E3. Sadly, you read that correctly as I did say cinematic and not actual gameplay. Something that feels like a misstep on Deck 13's side of things as this would be one of the times to try and highlight actual gameplay. You know, something that many of us have not been able to see for The Surge 2 yet. Read More...
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The Surge 2 Has An Official Release Date Now In September
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of June 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
The Surge The release date for The Surge 2 is now set and just as it was rumored before, we can look for The Surge 2 to hit us this September It looks like we can put the rumors and leaks to rest as we have the official release date for The Surge 2 directly from the source. It was greatly rumored and speculated on after a little leak happened that this game would be hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 23rd of this year. It would make sense given the timeline we have had since Deck 13 showed we were getting this sequel. But that date was wrong. Read More...
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New Screenshots Have Made Their Way Out For The Surge 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of April 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
The Surge A batch of new screenshots for The Surge 2 are here to give us a slight look at the game and possible new mechanics for The Surge 2 In the past week, Focus Home Interactive hosted one of their media events that aimed to show more for the games that they will be publishing with The Surge 2 being in the mix of them all. Not too much has seemed to have come out of the event as of yet as it was most likely a lot of first looks and current looks at all of the games with embargoes placed down to keep the coverage at bay for a bit. Whatever the case may be, Deck 13 was there with the current stuff they have for The Surge 2 and giving a small show of what will be coming to the game later in this year. Read More...
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The Surge 2 Is Coming & It Will Take Us To Some New Places
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of February 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
The Surge It has been announced that The Surge 2 is in development and as of right now, The Surge 2 is slated to hit consoles and PC in 2019 It looks like Focus Home Interactive has announced a new title out of Le What’s Next de Focus this year and that title is The Surge 2. After the success of the last one and its DLC, it looks like they have opted to have Deck 13 bring us all a full sequel and bring it to the PC, Xbox One, and PS4 sometime in 2019. Love it or hate it, The Surge 2 is coming and it looks like they are doing what every sequel does; builds upon the past work to make a better title. You thought I was going to say something different there did you not? Read More...
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