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Star Wars The Old Republic: Legacy Of The Sith — Disorder Cinematic
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of February 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Star Wars Check out the new trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Star Wars: The Old Republic is an MMORPG title for the PC from BioWare and EA and the Legacy Of The Sith expansion is out now.     Star Wars The Old Republic: Legacy Of The Sith — Disorder Cinematic Jedi Master Denolm Orr and his Padawan, Sa’har Kateen, travel to the Temple of Nul on Elom to retrieve a special Holocron before the Sith Empire can. They seem to have the upper hand, until an unexpected enemy appears… The celebration of our 10th anniversary continues with Legacy of the Sith, a new expansion that marks the starting point to a full year of galactic intrigue, conflict, and mystery. Legacy of the Sith will send players to the darkest depths and farthest reaches of the galaxy and unlock the ability to choose your personal combat style, allowing for more options than ever before when it comes to living and breathing your own Star Wars fantasy. Read More...
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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Remake Is Happening & Coming To The PS5
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of September 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Star Wars Another classic Star Wars title, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, is getting a remake and will be exclusively coming to the PS5 for consoles The headline here says most of it, we are getting a Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Remake to add into our list of titles for the PS5 and PC. An interesting call given the twenty-year past of the IP, but it is the deal that is going down between Aspyr Media and all of the other powers that be for it. Given the close deals that Sony has with those currently behind the Star Wars IP, it is not a shock, but it will only be a PS5 exclusive for the console side of it all and only at launch. Read More...
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The Phoenix Rises
by Jonathan Dean [ Monday, 6th of August 2012 - 04:49 PM ]
Hello one and all! My name is Jonathan Dean, and I’m thrilled to be one of the newest members of the writing team here at Let’s see, what is there to know about me? I've been playing games mostly since high school, and as the title suggests, my gamer tag for the Xbox 360 is PhoenixFusion1. I personally prefer games with heavy story and substance, probably due in fact to being a fiction writer and movie buff. I wasn't introduced to the gaming world until my junior high school years. Read More...
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The Old Republic Has A Date
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 26th of September 2011 - 02:02 PM ]
I woke up this morning (9/24) around 10 AM and I did my usual rounds across the internet: Facebook, Pwned, YouTube. I then checked my email and whats on top in my inbox? "Mail from The Old Republic Community - The announcement you've been waiting for" Huh, seems interesting. Curiosity drives me to see what is inside this email. I rejoice to find the release date for Star Wars: The Old Republic - one of the most anticipated MMO's of all time. Star Wars: The Old Republic comes out on December 20th, 2011 - mark your calendars, sell your kidneys and start working on a second job. Read More...
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Star Wars: The Old Republic E3 Intro Cinematic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 8th of June 2011 - 05:15 AM ]
Okay, that's it. If I have to watch one more cinematic teaser for Star Wars: The Old Republic, I'm gonna scream. Honestly, these things are so awesome, it's almost like a feature length film. The latest one released at E3 this year has me torn. I'm no longer sure if I want to be a Jedi or a Sith - and for good reason. I'm just going to sit in a dark room and watch all these cinematics in a row until the game comes out. Seriously though, I was hoping for more gameplay at E3, but this will do. Read More...
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From Padawan To Jedi Knight In The Old Republic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 30th of March 2011 - 03:57 PM ]
Armor progression is probably one of the most important factors in MMO's to date. It establishes your identity, your rank, your skill and possibly your luck, all just because your robe of +10 to "sexterity" is harder to get than anyone else. Star Wars: The Old Republic has given us a quick look into armor progression of the Jedi Knight and all I can say is "the force is strong with this one." What makes this video so entertaining is we can compare the armor differences between the two sub-classes of Jedi Knight, the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Sentinel. You want to be a one-handed-force-wielding-tank-and-spank-bad-ass? Read More...
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I Hear Voices...For Star Wars: The Old Republic
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 19th of July 2009 - 05:56 PM ]
So if you have been living under a rock since the announcement of Star Wars: The Old Republic, then someone needs to come find you. Just to refresh those who have been living under the rock, Star Wars: The Old Republic is a new MMO done by BioWare and LucasArts in which the time period takes place 1000 years before the rise of Darth Vader. Now with that being said, BioWare and LucasArts have released their 3rd Video Documentary for the upcoming MMO. In this documentary they talk about having fully voiced characters in not only for the Non-Playing Character but also for the your own character. Read More...
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Mandalor And His Merry Men
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of July 2009 - 05:28 PM ]
Star Wars The Old Republic - Mandalorians Looks like Lucas Arts and BioWare are starting the campaign to get us all amped for The Old Republic. As they have just placed out a video clip telling the background of the Mandalorians, via a Jedi Star Log and animatics. Telling of their rise and fall and what has become of them currently, also kind of why they have become the bounty hunters that we all know and love from the Star Wars Universe. I have a feeling that we will have more of these in the coming weeks, and most likely covering everything else you can play or kill in The Old Republic. We'll keep you up to date as we get these videos in. Read More...
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