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Aggrocast Episode Ninety Seven: A Blizzard in Hell
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 17th of May 2012 - 06:00 PM ]
After two hand surgeries, Brian - more importantly, the Aggrocast - is back at full strength. Corey and Matt join Brian for a podcast talking about the great clickfest that is Diablo III. The guys also touch on Bioware/EA's woes with Star Wars: The Old Republic, 38 Studios going into loan default, as well as the various court cases swirling around the industry at this time. Without the law books on the table, the guys also touch on what they've been playing including Wet, Bulletstorm, Witcher 2, Torchlight 2 beta and some game called Diablo III. The best news for Corey came when Brian sprung a short Care/Don't Care on the show. Read More...
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Star Wars: The Old Republic E3 Intro Cinematic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 8th of June 2011 - 05:15 AM ]
Okay, that's it. If I have to watch one more cinematic teaser for Star Wars: The Old Republic, I'm gonna scream. Honestly, these things are so awesome, it's almost like a feature length film. The latest one released at E3 this year has me torn. I'm no longer sure if I want to be a Jedi or a Sith - and for good reason. I'm just going to sit in a dark room and watch all these cinematics in a row until the game comes out. Seriously though, I was hoping for more gameplay at E3, but this will do. Read More...
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From Padawan To Jedi Knight In The Old Republic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 30th of March 2011 - 03:57 PM ]
Armor progression is probably one of the most important factors in MMO's to date. It establishes your identity, your rank, your skill and possibly your luck, all just because your robe of +10 to "sexterity" is harder to get than anyone else. Star Wars: The Old Republic has given us a quick look into armor progression of the Jedi Knight and all I can say is "the force is strong with this one." What makes this video so entertaining is we can compare the armor differences between the two sub-classes of Jedi Knight, the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Sentinel. You want to be a one-handed-force-wielding-tank-and-spank-bad-ass? Read More...
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Always Look On The 'Light' Side Of Life
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 20th of September 2010 - 06:29 PM ]
Today's developer diary from BioWare highlights Star Wars: The Old Republic's Jedi class, giving us a brief look into class versatility and the separate experiences players will get through both of the sub-classes, Knight and Consular. You don't necessarily have to be the goody goody Jedi (although you can), you will have options to play the more forceful and vengeful Jedi as well. From this video we also can see how diverse the Jedi class is, from playing the sneaky rogue style of game play, or straight on damage dealer, Jedi have a little of something for everyone. The Lightsaber battles are probably the largest parts of the Star Wars series, and by the look of this video, BioWare seems to be putting that extra polish on, and making sure players get the full Lightsaber dueling experience. Read More...
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There Is Hope In The Old Republic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 18th of June 2010 - 04:20 PM ]
BioWare and Lucas Arts were at E3 this year and they brought along a playable demo with some more videos for Star Wars: The Old Republic and it's design. First off if you haven't seen the 'Hope' cinematic yet, I highly advise that you do. After that I'm going to tell you and show you a little more about some inner workings of the game. Go ahead and watch...I'll wait. Read More...
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Stay on Target...Stay on Target...
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 12th of January 2010 - 05:51 PM ]
I'm a Star Wars fan. and I'm also a huge MMO fan.  So since the announcement of Star Wars the Old Republic the MMO, I have been digging and watching everything I can to get anything I can about this game.EA CEO John Riccitiello had a conference call and a press release to update their future fiscal prospect in 2010 yesterday (numbers, numbers, blah, blah, blah).  As you all know EA is a powerhouse this year and has tons of games heading for the shelves this year, and it's going to be hell to catch up with them all (but stay tuned because we will cover them).  John Riccitiello did give us a bit of news that had ears around the internet buzzing:"One key driver is going to be the launch date of our major MMO. Read More...
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Join The Dark Side
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 29th of August 2009 - 09:25 PM ]
Well here it is folks, one of the two classes we have all been waiting for, The Sith Warrior. This class looks amazing. Being able to wear large, heavy, technological army is a Darth Vader fan's dream come true. This looks like it's going to be a tank type class for SWTOR. But with such fast and furious sword play, who knows? The force powers look like tons of fun. I highly recommend checking out the videos This announcement is released after a week of speculation that this would be the next class in the roster of characters posted to the Holonet. Read More...
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