Without the law books on the table, the guys also touch on what they've been playing including Wet, Bulletstorm, Witcher 2, Torchlight 2 beta and some game called Diablo III. The best news for Corey came when Brian sprung a short Care/Don't Care on the show.
Lastly, the guys touched on the release of the CryEngine 3 SDK, and as promised, here is the link to the CryEngine 3 download page.
Please do not hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments below or email me directly and I will read your email on the next show.
I would also like to thank my friend, Matt Baros for the our opening/theme song. Check out this talented artist and his band - Rare Candy.
We are currently still having a technical issue with our usual feeds, so in the mean time, click here to listen, press play below or use the link below to download it directly.