All done? Great now we can get down to the nitty-gritty. We have two more videos, one highlighting the newly announced Starship feature and one displaying a little bit of the progression of armor and weapons we will experience while playing.
One of the questions everyone has been asking is "Will their be Starships?" and finally the answer is "Yes!" Players of every type will get one, from Smugglers to Jedi. These ships are alive and breathing with your crew and companions, walking around and interacting with you. Not much was said about customization, but I'm sure their going to give you something to make each ship unique to your character.
Finally, we get to see what the customization is going to look like in action. This like in any other MMO is what truly shows off a players bad-assery by displaying the spoils of war on your toon. SWTOR does not disappoint. From the video, we can see a bounty hunter as they progress from the bottom tiers of armor all the way to the higher tiers. Lucas Arts is touting thousands of customizable pieces of armor per class, which is going to give a limitless amount of options for players to stand out in the universe.
But still we want more. How about a release date? No, we couldn't be so lucky. We will just have to sit around and salivate over this new news while trolling the forums for any shred of information that becomes available.