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Join The Dark Side
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 29th of August 2009 - 09:25 PM ]
Well here it is folks, one of the two classes we have all been waiting for, The Sith Warrior. This class looks amazing. Being able to wear large, heavy, technological army is a Darth Vader fan's dream come true. This looks like it's going to be a tank type class for SWTOR. But with such fast and furious sword play, who knows? The force powers look like tons of fun. I highly recommend checking out the videos This announcement is released after a week of speculation that this would be the next class in the roster of characters posted to the Holonet. Read More...
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The Force Unleashed Once More
by Jesse [ Sunday, 26th of July 2009 - 03:08 PM ]
September 16th of last year saw Lucasarts release the much anticipated Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Right from the get-go, TFU was all about giving players a more thorough Force-wielding experience. Powers like Force Push and Force Lightning could be used in ways far beyond anything we’d ever seen before in a Star Wars game. Following the games release though, Lucasarts supported the title by creating several downloadable packages. There were two costume packs that added several new costumes for The Apprentice, as well as a number of alternate character skins. Read More...
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The Ultimate Gaming Wishlist
by Jesse [ Thursday, 11th of June 2009 - 04:01 PM ]
The inclusion of three Star Wars characters in Soul Calibur IV was a hot button issue that polarized a lot of fans. For some they were an interesting addition to the tale of souls and swords. For others they were cheap, overpowered and had no business being there. Personally, I’m a huge Star Wars fan and I loved having them in the game. I can agree that a little more tweaking should have went in to making them more balanced like most of the other characters in the roster. Everyone knows just how ridiculous fighting against Yoda was, but even still this felt like the truest adaption of lightsaber combat in a video game. Read More...
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