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 E3 2010: Stock full of Trailers
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 16th of June 2010 - 03:39 PM ]
So apparently, waiting was not on the agenda in the days prior to E3 opening.  What I mean by that is just the other day on Spike TV - they had their pre-E3 show where they showed a lot of the new trailers that previously, we would have had to wait until the actual show to see these trailers. But since we all live on the Internet, instant gratification is all we have time for anymore. So here you guys go with bunch of trailers of Socom 4, Killzone 3, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Dead Space 2, Devils Third, Gran Turismo 5 and Shank. Hope you all enjoy. Read More...
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The Force Is Strong With George Lucas' Wallet
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 24th of February 2010 - 04:20 PM ]
For a game that many people wrote off for shoddy controls and questionable graphical quality, The Force Unleashed has reached the "sold seven million units worldwide" mark. The charm of the title was perhaps not that it was a new entry in the Star Wars canon, but that it was somewhat decent and not a BioWare title. For me, it was the combination of finally feeling in control of a being that was a serious Force-powerhouse and getting a fresh spin on what can sometimes be a very stale mythology. Lucasarts is not satisfied with this meager accomplishment and is already pushing forward on a sequel that is coming this year. Read More...
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The Force Unleashed Once More
by Jesse [ Sunday, 26th of July 2009 - 03:08 PM ]
September 16th of last year saw Lucasarts release the much anticipated Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Right from the get-go, TFU was all about giving players a more thorough Force-wielding experience. Powers like Force Push and Force Lightning could be used in ways far beyond anything we’d ever seen before in a Star Wars game. Following the games release though, Lucasarts supported the title by creating several downloadable packages. There were two costume packs that added several new costumes for The Apprentice, as well as a number of alternate character skins. Read More...
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The Force Unleashed Downloadable Content
by Jesse [ Friday, 14th of November 2008 - 10:14 PM ]
Two weeks after the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Lucasarts announced that they were working on two expansion packs for the game. The first of these downloadables arrived this week. The pack however, is primarily a visually oriented download as it gives players the ability to use ten new character skins. The cost for the character pack is $4.99 on the PlayStaion Store and 400 Microsoft Points ($5. Read More...
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