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Star Wars: The Old Republic E3 Intro Cinematic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 8th of June 2011 - 05:15 AM ]
Okay, that's it. If I have to watch one more cinematic teaser for Star Wars: The Old Republic, I'm gonna scream. Honestly, these things are so awesome, it's almost like a feature length film. The latest one released at E3 this year has me torn. I'm no longer sure if I want to be a Jedi or a Sith - and for good reason. I'm just going to sit in a dark room and watch all these cinematics in a row until the game comes out. Seriously though, I was hoping for more gameplay at E3, but this will do. Read More...
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From Padawan To Jedi Knight In The Old Republic
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 30th of March 2011 - 03:57 PM ]
Armor progression is probably one of the most important factors in MMO's to date. It establishes your identity, your rank, your skill and possibly your luck, all just because your robe of +10 to "sexterity" is harder to get than anyone else. Star Wars: The Old Republic has given us a quick look into armor progression of the Jedi Knight and all I can say is "the force is strong with this one." What makes this video so entertaining is we can compare the armor differences between the two sub-classes of Jedi Knight, the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Sentinel. You want to be a one-handed-force-wielding-tank-and-spank-bad-ass? Read More...
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Always Look On The 'Light' Side Of Life
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 20th of September 2010 - 06:29 PM ]
Today's developer diary from BioWare highlights Star Wars: The Old Republic's Jedi class, giving us a brief look into class versatility and the separate experiences players will get through both of the sub-classes, Knight and Consular. You don't necessarily have to be the goody goody Jedi (although you can), you will have options to play the more forceful and vengeful Jedi as well. From this video we also can see how diverse the Jedi class is, from playing the sneaky rogue style of game play, or straight on damage dealer, Jedi have a little of something for everyone. The Lightsaber battles are probably the largest parts of the Star Wars series, and by the look of this video, BioWare seems to be putting that extra polish on, and making sure players get the full Lightsaber dueling experience. Read More...
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The Force Is Strong With George Lucas' Wallet
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 24th of February 2010 - 04:20 PM ]
For a game that many people wrote off for shoddy controls and questionable graphical quality, The Force Unleashed has reached the "sold seven million units worldwide" mark. The charm of the title was perhaps not that it was a new entry in the Star Wars canon, but that it was somewhat decent and not a BioWare title. For me, it was the combination of finally feeling in control of a being that was a serious Force-powerhouse and getting a fresh spin on what can sometimes be a very stale mythology. Lucasarts is not satisfied with this meager accomplishment and is already pushing forward on a sequel that is coming this year. Read More...
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LucasArts Announces Lucidity For Xbox Live Arcade & PC
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 11th of September 2009 - 11:20 PM ]
LucasArts today announced their new title Lucidity. The latest Puzzle Game will be available on Xbox Live arcade and PC. Players will play Sofi, a little girl who is dreaming, and as she drifts deeper and deeper into the dream world players will need to keep Sofi safe. Apparently this will be done by putting puzzle pieces in her way to "guide" her where she needs to go. LucasArts plans on bringing more games similar to "The re-imagining of The Secret of Monkey Island" and "Lucidity" to gamers. This is a pretty cool concept. Read More...
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The Force Unleashed Once More
by Jesse [ Sunday, 26th of July 2009 - 03:08 PM ]
September 16th of last year saw Lucasarts release the much anticipated Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Right from the get-go, TFU was all about giving players a more thorough Force-wielding experience. Powers like Force Push and Force Lightning could be used in ways far beyond anything we’d ever seen before in a Star Wars game. Following the games release though, Lucasarts supported the title by creating several downloadable packages. There were two costume packs that added several new costumes for The Apprentice, as well as a number of alternate character skins. Read More...
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The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Review
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 21st of July 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
The Secret of Monkey Island has already come out in 3 editions, the floppy version for the Atari ST, Mac, and PC in 1990, the re-release PC version and Amiga versions in 1991, and the much more widely known CD version in 1992 that featured better audio and a new UI. The most recent fourth version, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is by far the best. It is available for the PC and 360 and features all new graphics as well as brand new voices recorded by the cast of Curse of Monkey Island (aka Monkey Island 3). The music is also redone and was made by the same composer. Read More...
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LucasArts Revives Old Classics on Steam
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of July 2009 - 08:44 PM ]
LucasArts responds to fan outcry and delivers old and beloved classics for the first time ever as digital download on Steam! Read More...
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Mandalor And His Merry Men
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of July 2009 - 05:28 PM ]
Star Wars The Old Republic - Mandalorians Looks like Lucas Arts and BioWare are starting the campaign to get us all amped for The Old Republic. As they have just placed out a video clip telling the background of the Mandalorians, via a Jedi Star Log and animatics. Telling of their rise and fall and what has become of them currently, also kind of why they have become the bounty hunters that we all know and love from the Star Wars Universe. I have a feeling that we will have more of these in the coming weeks, and most likely covering everything else you can play or kill in The Old Republic. We'll keep you up to date as we get these videos in. Read More...
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The Force Unleashed Downloadable Content
by Jesse [ Friday, 14th of November 2008 - 10:14 PM ]
Two weeks after the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Lucasarts announced that they were working on two expansion packs for the game. The first of these downloadables arrived this week. The pack however, is primarily a visually oriented download as it gives players the ability to use ten new character skins. The cost for the character pack is $4.99 on the PlayStaion Store and 400 Microsoft Points ($5. Read More...
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LucasArts and BioWare to Hold Joint Press Conference to Unveil “New Game” on October 21st
by Ben Brody [ Wednesday, 8th of October 2008 - 05:07 AM ]
October 21st, 2008 at 2pm at a location that will be kept secret due to the fact that if it were revealed then all you nerds would go bum-rush it. No, it's 99.9% likely to NOT be an announcement about Full Throttle 2, as nice as it would be, but much much much MUCH more likely to be the widely rumored KOTOR MMO (aka the worst kept secret in the biz). Rumors of the existence of such a game began back last October when "a source close to BioWare" said that the MMO that BioWare was currently working on was going to take place in the KOTOR realm. That same source also said the game was targeted for a 2009 release, which would time up perfectly to this announcement. Read More...
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