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Rock Band Network Up And Running
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of January 2010 - 02:17 PM ]
Just as promised, the Rock Band Network is up and running starting now. That's right, get ready for the flood of unknown musicians of every genre to start flowing on your XBox Live stores and shortly after on the PSN. Shortly meaning about a month later after getting the XBox exclusive treatment and testing out of the way. But that's neither here nor there for the actual news here. The big thing her is that now for the low cost of about $100 dollars, any musician can record and publish their own tracks to the Rock Band Store. Read More...
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Comic Con Issue #4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of August 2009 - 11:18 PM ]
Sunday: The Day of Rest...Kind of Given that this day should have been the lazy day, not Saturday, it is no surprise that the final day was even more lazy with a little bit of violence mixed in. Even though it was the day with the least going on, as has always been the case. But it did lead to a few interesting lessons learned about humans. They'll do anything for free stuff and most won't back up big talk when their bluff is called. Sunday was the day with only one thing on the agenda, get a good very public hands on with Lego Rock Band. Read More...
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Portal's 'Still Alive' for Free for RockBand Players
by Alyssa Porter [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 10:05 PM ]
Everyone's favorite Portal song, Still Alive, will be available for free tomorrow for Rock Band players. No, this is not a April Fools Day joke. Harmonnix, MTV Games, and Valve have teamed up to make this possible for Xbox 360 and Playstation users. "While the cake may be a lie, the free download of "Still Alive" is confirmed truth," said Greg LoPiccolo, VP of product development at Harmonix. "'Still Alive' is an awesome song that brings together great gaming and great music. We've teamed up with Valve to deliver a free download of "Still Alive" as a "thank you" to our fans for their incredible support. Read More...
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