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Launch Out There Against The Vampires Attacking Us In Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 1st of May 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Redfall The launch of Redfall is here this week and we have one last trailer to take in to prep us for Redfall The night is about to fall tonight and that means the vampires of Redfall will be coming out to us. Not just in a fancy word way of things to introduce what Arkane Austin has for us today. No, it is also to get us all ready for the launch on May 2nd for the PC and Xbox Series X|S. Those reading in the future should already be playing Redfall right now. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 4/17/23 — 4/21/23
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of April 2023 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week The week is over and it is time to kick back with all of the various video games we have out there to enjoy now. Even if we have to wait for a few of them to still drop out there, like Redfall and Immortals Of Aveum too. We do have Dead Island 2 out there now and God Of Rock to enjoy and hold us all over until more of these video games flow out there to us. Such a rollercoaster of things to enjoy and look forward to. Read More...
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Dig Deeper Into The Vampires With Devinder In Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Redfall One more hero of Redfall is here for us to learn about with the cryptozoologist ready to study what is up in Redfall The hunt is almost on and we have one more hunter rounding out the crew heading into Redfall to bring the vampires down a peg. Another in the fun little videos that Arkane Austin have been putting out there to help us all get to know our characters before the game hits the Xbox Series X|S and PC this May 2nd. This time, it looks like we might be getting one that might know exactly how to handle themselves in Redfall as well. Not to mention, they also have quite a few fun little traps to toss around that feel like they may confuse us as well as the enemies we are taking down. Read More...
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Redfall Has Remi & A Robot Heading Out To Help Save Us All
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 17th of April 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Redfall The next hero for Redfall is out there now with Remi taking talents and robots into Redfall to kill some vampires Just so we can lean into the tech side of things for Redfall, here we go with Remi bringing some new talents and machines into the mix. This is the combat engineer that Arkane Austin will be tossing into the crew of hunters heading out there when the game launches on the Xbox Series X|S and PC this May 2nd here. Thankfully, too, it looks like Remi and Bribon will also be the support class in Redfall so we have a medic now. Even if this medic does look like they can cause way more harm than healing when the need arises. Read More...
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Jacob Rolls Out To See What All The Fuss Is For In Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of April 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Redfall The next hero for Redfall is shown off to us all so we can get deeper into the world of Redfall just ahead of launch It is time again to kick back with the devs over at Arkane Austin as they dive deeper into the characters and heroes we will be joining in Redfall on May 2nd. That is, we have another of their interviews with the character they have built so we can get to know them better and see them a little more in the heat of battle. This time with Jacob: The Deadeye, who looks to be the sniper class in Redfall if we have to label them all in that way. It is not all that shocking we are going to have that with what we have seen thus far for the characters and how we still do not know if it will be more on the magic or on the technology side of things when it comes to the vampires. Read More...
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Get To Know The Story For Layla As We Go Further Into Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of April 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Redfall The heroes are coming out in Redfall and we have our first here to see what they bring to the fight in Redfall We have seen a few of the heroes out there that we are going to control in Redfall before now. There have been a few questions here based on if things will be more on the tech side of things or the supernatural side as Arkane Austin has been a little off on which way it is going. This is why I am excited to see these new videos to not only get more to see but also a bit more about how things could be functioning in Redfall. Unless you are looking to wait until May 2nd when the game lands on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Redfall Has A Story That Feels Like It Will Be Changing Things Up
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of March 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Redfall A story trailer for Redfall is finally here and it feels like things in Redfall are not exactly as they seemed It is time to get more of the story going on behind the scenes for Redfall here. No, this is not a look at how Arkane Austin has been working on the game but a look at the story that is going on behind the scenes for this vampire hunt we will be going on when the game lands of the Xbox Series X|S and PC on May 2nd. A vampire hunt that seems to have something else going on under the hood that makes it not feel like a traditional vampire hunt. Almost as if we have had the wool pulled over our eyes like the residents of Redfall where the game takes place in. Read More...
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Wander More Of The Vampiric Infested Streets Of Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of February 2023 - 08:00 PM ]
Redfall Welcome further into the world of Redfall with one more look at the violent streets of Redfall we will be hunting on The streets of Redfall are going to be rough, indeed, and we are soon going to be heading out there to clean them up. Not in the way of other titles out there, but in the fun vampire hunting way that Arkane Austin has been working on for a while when it comes to the Xbox Series X|S and PC. All so when May 2nd rolls on in, we will be out there slaying with the best of them. Even if we are not the best at Redfall, there will be a whole lot to see. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 1/23/23 — 1/27/23
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 28th of January 2023 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week The week has ended and we can now move on to the fun weekend of playing all of our video games we have been piling up so far. Dead Space is not going to beat itself after all and we need to make room for the new extras for Marvel’s Midnight Suns and GoldenEye 007 dropping out there too. It is a big week to end off the month with when it comes to our video games. Not to mention as we see new things flowing out there from Wanted: Dead and other titles like it. Read More...
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Redfall Has Been Set Down With A Final Release Date To Bite Into
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of January 2023 - 10:00 PM ]
Redfall The release date for Redfall is set and we get a longer look at the latest gameplay coming for Redfall Out of the latest Developer Direct event, we finally have the official release date set down for Redfall after all of the waiting out there. Not only that, but during the showcase we also had a massive gameplay reveal from Arkane Austin too. Now we are able to get fully ready for Redfall by seeing how the game has been built up to now and then throw down the cash to secure our copy just before May 2nd. That would be the day that we will be able to pick up the game or download it on our Xbox Series X|S and PC. Read More...
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Know Death & Go Into The Night Here With The Latest For Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of October 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Redfall A bit more of a taste for Redfall is here now to show us how creepy Redfall will be just in time for Halloween It always feels so random when we get anything for Redfall out there but it does feel like it is the right time to get more with Halloween around the corner here. I know we all want more for the game, but it is a good sign that Arkane Austin is still putting in the hard work over trying to just push out the content for now. That is why it is always a nice little treat when we have something new for Redfall in the mix as the 2023 wait continues for the Xbox Series X|S and PC. For now, though, let us see what horrors are filling the town in the latest short we have for the game. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 6/27/22 — 7/1/22
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of July 2022 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week It is time to put a fork in the week and all of the news we have had for the various video games out there that we had. Even with a bit of the slowdown out of the last few big weeks, we had some amazing things to see here. A huge push for Gotham Knights that is leading to a bigger showing coming to this year's SDCC. That being something that we will be gearing up even more for with the various other tips and announcements that will be coming out for that too. Read More...
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Redfall Welcomes You To The Island That Is Filled With Vampires
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of June 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Redfall Take a quick stroll around Redfall to see more of the island we will be hunting in when Redfall launches out there After the recent big look at the gameplay for Redfall, it is time to slow things down a bit and have a look at more for the environment of the game. An environment that is a secluded island in the North East of the States that Arkane Austin is developing out there for us. Redfall, the town and not the game, does look like it was a nice sleepy location out there before the vampires took over. Now we have a new look at how they have brought more of the chaos to the town for our hunters to go stamp out in 2023 when the game lands on the Xbox Series X|S and PC. Read More...
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Start The Journey To Take Back The Night With The Latest We Have For Redfall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of June 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Redfall New story details for Redfall are finally here along with a nice new chunk of actual gameplay for Redfall too After all of the delays and waiting for Redfall since it was first announced, we are finally here with the first true gameplay for the game. We still have to wait until 2023 to see it hit the Xbox Series X|S and PC but that is going to be made a little less difficult with what Arkane Austin has for us now. Not only is it the gameplay we have been waiting for with Redfall, but it is a bit more on the story and expansions on the characters we will get to play solo or in co-op. Not to mention to try to make vampires scary once again after all of the glam that has been going on for a while. Read More...
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Redfall & Starfield Have Been Delayed Just A Bit Longer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of May 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Redfall Don't expect to play Starfield or Redfall this year as both Redfall & Starfield have been pushed back I do hope that you did not have your heart set on getting to experience Redfall or Starfield this year on the Xbox Series X|S or PC. Your heart is about to be broken if you did, as it looks like Arkane Austin and Bethesda Game Studios have some bad news for you. Both titles have been delayed now and will not be seeing the time of day until the first half of 2023. So at the worst, you will be able to play Starfield and Redfall by this time next year. Read More...
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