Video Games
A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week
The week has ended and we can now move on to the fun weekend of playing all of our video games we have been piling up so far. Dead Space is not going to beat itself after all and we need to make room for the new extras for Marvel’s Midnight Suns and GoldenEye 007 dropping out there too. It is a big week to end off the month with when it comes to our video games. Not to mention as we see new things flowing out there from Wanted: Dead and other titles like it. Yes, I am pointing to the new box we were sent to play around with here. Have a look at that if you are also interested in seeing more.
Now that we have all of that out of the way, we will be looking towards other video games to cover and the coming week of things. There are loads of titles on the verge of dropping out there, so there will be a whole load of that coming your way here soon. We are also in talks to start back up the AggroCast for the site so you have one more way to get the coverage for your video games and in a nice little package too. More details for all of that will be coming in the following weeks, so keep an eye out for all of that. So many fun and exciting things about to take off here.
As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games, and Happy Gaming!
- God Of Rock — Johann Spotlight
- Get Ready For Some Big Fireworks With This Track In Disney Speedstorm
- Marvel’s Midnight Suns Is Getting Spicy With More Of Deadpool Out There
- Terror Is Further Blooming Out There For The Last Of Us
- Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Will Have Us Planning Like A Pirate
- The Art Is On Display With The Latest "Making Of" For Scars Above
- Dead By Daylight — Resident Evil x LNY Collection
- GoldenEye 007 Is Sneaking Back Out There Again Very Soon
- Redfall Has Been Set Down With A Final Release Date To Bite Into
- Hi-Fi RUSH Blasts Out There To Give All A New Type Of Rhythm Game
- Kick Off A Good Hunt For The Golden Tempest Within Wild Hearts
- Fight Off The Mind's Horrors With The Demo Of Wantless
- Meet Your Maker Is Just About To Hit The Open Beta State
- God Of Rock — Kosaku Spotlight
- Wanted: Dead Is Looking To Blow Us All Up Over Here