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Bulletstorm Will Help Sate That Gears Of War 3 Need
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of December 2010 - 06:14 PM ]
No I'm not saying that Bulletstorm is going to be the stop gap in the need for Gears Of War 3. It will however score you a slot in the GoW3 beta. Well at least if you preorder the "Epic Edition" of Bulletstorm that is coming to the XBox 360. There is no price difference for the "Epic Edition" from any standard price for a new title ($59.99) but there are a few extras outside of the Gears beta. Those being 25,000 experience points and visual upgrades for the iconic leash, deadly Peace Maker Carbine, boots and armor for online play. Read More...
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So How Is Gears Of War 3 Looking These Days
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of June 2010 - 12:31 AM ]
Something we have all been thinking since the announcement back in April. Yea there have been a few shots before, but here we go with a few more. A few more that are extremely stunning and blood filled. Nothing to the level of Splatterhouse in terms of blood and gore, but still. I will have to say that things are looking to progressing very well. At least in the graphics department. Which is really all we get to see as of right now, unless we want to make up a story based on these screen. Read More...
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The Sights Of Gears Of War 3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of May 2010 - 08:38 PM ]
For a game that is still just slightly under a year out, by the gods it is looking good. But that was to be expected for Gears Of War 3 was it not? I mean it is using a very powerful gaming engine to run it. It just comes down to the artist and compression teams to make it run and look good on the XBox now. Which I am sure there will be no problem at that at all. Below you will see some renders of the characters of Gears Of War 3. Read More...
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Gearing Up For Gears Of War 3
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 13th of April 2010 - 03:33 PM ]
If you somehow missed Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night, then you missed one of the hottest trailers to grace your television screen. It is no secret what Cliff Bleszinski and the rest of the crew over at Epic Games are working on with the pre-mature announcement over on XBL (way to go Microsoft to blow that news). Well it was time to showcase to the world, or the few that could actually stayed up to watch Jimmy Fallon, the new trailer for Gears of War 3. “When we released Gears of War more than five years ago, we set out to tell the world an unforgettable story of bravery and sacrifice in the face of insurmountable odds, and a year from now, players will get the chance to experience the final chapter in the story of Marcus Fenix and his companions in Delta Squad,” said Cliff Bleszinski, Design Director of Epic Games. Read More...
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Do You Smell What Marcus Fenix Is Cooking
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 10th of May 2009 - 01:25 PM ]
If you haven’t heard by now there is another video game movie in the works. And this time it’s for Gears of War (chainsaw FTW). Chris Morgan, who has written such movies as Fast and Furious and Wanted, just wrapped up the script for the upcoming movie and now they are looking for a cast. He is looking for his main actor to play Marcus Fenix, and while others are thinking of actors like Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, or maybe Chuck Norris. That is not the case for Chris, as he is actually thinking about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to play Marcus Fenix. Chris Morgan told MTV, “The Rock is awesome. Read More...
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Incoming More Gears of War 2 Updates
by Sam [ Friday, 13th of March 2009 - 07:23 PM ]
Epic Games has recently announced two big changes for Gears of War 2. One of them is a title update for the people who have been complaining about the rank system and the other is a new map pack containing four brand new maps.Players will now be earning points by playing online in public matches and ranking up levels, max is 100. Basically the more points you get, the more experience points you will get to level up. Players who reach a certain level will then unlock more achievements:Rookie Gear (level 5)Seasoned Gear (level 15)Battle-Tested Gear (level 25)Battle-Hardened Gear (level 50)Veteran Gear (level 100)The last two achievements are said to have the new Snowblind Map Pack in order to unlock. Read More...
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Make A Wish By Bidding On A Custom Gears of War 360
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 5th of March 2009 - 10:42 PM ]
For the Gears Of War fans out there, now is your chance to not only scoop up a custom Gears Of War Xbox 360 Pro, but to also be charitable.  Clayton Davison of Tech"Know" Podcast is working with Epic Games to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation and is auctioning off the console on Ebay. The console features a crimson Gears of War logo hand drawn by the Senior Concept Artist, James Hawk, on one side and on the otherside features the signatures of the games Lead Designers.    Here is the list of the signatures featured on the console:James Hawk, Senior Concept ArtistCliff Bleszinski, Design DirectorDave Ewing, Senior Level DesignerRod Fergusson, Senior ProducerJoe Graf, Unreal Engine 3 Technical DirectorDave Nash, Lead Level DesignerChris Perna, Art DirectorLee Perry, Lead Gameplay DesignerAlan Willard, Senior Level Designer The entire auction includes the following:An Xbox 360 Pro console with a 20Gig hard driveA copy of Gears of War 2 Wireless ControllerHD AV CablesThree months to Xbox Live Gold.The auction began today and will be up for 7 days and bidding starts at $249. Read More...
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Epic Considering Rank Change for Gears 2
by Sam [ Sunday, 8th of February 2009 - 07:55 PM ]
Epics Rod Fergusson made a post in the Gears of War 2 forums about a "proposed rank change", hopefully making the rank system more experienced based whenever a third update comes out. Fergusson writes ""What if, instead of skill rank, we instead showed your experience level." And over at Kotaku explains how it would work:• Experience would be acquired through individual performance in public mutliplayer. The experience would be balanced according to game times, so you couldn't level faster on the respawning game types. • Levelling would not be a fixed amount for each level, but a progressively higher amount for successive levels, ("like a typical RPG. Read More...
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13 Days of Gears of War 2
by Sam [ Monday, 26th of January 2009 - 06:59 PM ]
With the new Friday the 13th movie coming in just a few weeks, the Gears team is hosting nearly 2 weeks of giveaways on Xbox Live starting February 1st. That's 65 daily prize packages and 13 grand prize packages.The daily packs come with: * Gears of War 2 video game soundtrack * Gears of War Aspho Fields novel * A 12" x 18" Gears of War 2 promotional poster autographed by members of the Epic development team * An in-game Golden Hammerburst and Lancer weapon The grand prize packs come with: * A Samsung 40-inch 1080p flat panel LCD HDTV * A Locust Bust * A red Xbox 360 Wireless Controller * A Marcus Fenix bronze statue * Gears of War 2 video game soundtrack * Gears of War Aspho Fields novel * A 12" x 18" Gears of War 2 promotional poster autographed by members of the Epic development team * An in-game Golden Hammerburst and Lancer weaponTo register, you either need to go on or download the 13 Days of Gears Registration Gamer Picture from the Marketplace. The rest of the info can be found here. Read More...
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Gears of War 2 Gets Some Updates
by Andy [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 05:41 PM ]
Our friend Six Okay over at made an update yesterday afternoon telling everyone that there has been an update to Gears of War 2. Here is the breakdown of what's included in the fix: Exploit Fixes: Crabwalking, invisibility, weapon-slide, melee through walls, unlimited ammo. General Fixes: Shotgun and Boomshot updates, meatshield chainsawing updates, team communication, Insane gamer pic award. Balancing: Planted proximity grenade updates, increased quitting penalties, spawn protection, flamethrower stopping power. Improvements: Annex uses execution rules, achievement progression in the War Journal, added 7 DLC-based achievements worth 175 gamerscore. Read More...
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More Gears of War 2 Achievements on the Way
by Sam [ Tuesday, 20th of January 2009 - 05:54 AM ]
A while back, I posted about a Gears of War 2 patch coming later this month. Now it turns out that coming along with the patch are seven new achievements. No official release date has been said, but should go live once the patch is released. All seven equal up to 175 points, mostly focused on the flashback and combustible maps. Go here to see more about it. Read More...
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Gears of War 2 Update on the Way
by Sam [ Tuesday, 6th of January 2009 - 07:28 PM ]
Mark Rein from Epic has responded to everyone's complaints about all the glitches in bugs in the game such as equipping the shield with a 2-hand weapon, Lancers with infinite ammo, invisible shields and so on. That's all going to end soon. Posted on the Gears forums is all the details of what's coming in this patch."We're fixing a whole bunch of online exploits. For example we've fixed the ability to wield an invisible shield, melee through some walls, gain infinite Lancer ammo and equip a shield and a two-handed weapon simultaneously plus many more. Read More...
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[XBox 360 Review] Gears Of War 2
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 8th of December 2008 - 12:32 AM ]
This review is long overdue, but with a very busy schedule lately, it’s better late than never.Gears of War 2 is Epic Games sequel to the acclaimed original, which was one of the best games to ever grace the XBox 360. Will part 2 rise above its predecessor or fall to the way side of sequels that can't capture that same feeling of the original? After sitting down and getting some good playing time in to the campaign and single player, I came away feeling this was Gears of War 1.5. Read More...
Tags: gears, war, epic, review, xbox, 360,
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Pwned's Gears Of War 2 Release Party Gaming Night
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 28th of October 2008 - 04:16 PM ]
Join us at 9PM EST/6PM PST on November 7th 2008 for a 2 hour long special Gears of War 2 Pwned Gaming Night in celebration of it’s release.  Everyone who participates will receive 200 Pwned Points each, and the top 3 winners will get 1500, 1000 and 500 Pwned Points Respectively. We also have as special prizes for the night, 2 Gears of War 2 T-Shirts (1 XLarge & 1 Large), as well as a Gears Of War 2 COG Tag, which will be drawn at random amongst all Pwned members in attendance.  We look forward to everyone attending this special release day event. Further details can be found on the Calendar Page and by following the link below. Read More...
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And There Was Asshatery
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of October 2008 - 05:39 PM ]
Gears Of War 2 Invades Torrent Sites So a new game is about to roll out and the pirates go to town trying to break the disk and get it out there for the masses. That being said, there is the 7gb torrent of the game being spread around the net for people to use for free. But that isn't what this article is about. It's more along the lines of what the source was going into. Piracy <RANT> So we all know it can get expensive to buy all the games that we want to play in today's market. Read More...
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