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See How Dead Island Is Going To Handle
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of May 2011 - 05:13 PM ]
So I thought the last video for Dead Island was going to be it before E3. Don't want to show off everything before the major convention now would we? But it would seem that the developers wanted to give Game Trailers a bit more to show off before their big E3 push. The video can be seen below. Before you move off to the video though, I'd like to make my normal comments. So bare with me. Or ignore these words and watch the clip. Read More...
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We Got A Look At Axel From Twisted Metal...Kind Of
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of April 2011 - 08:38 PM ]
Not only do we have a few shots of the Axel-like vehicle from Twisted Metal, but we also have a couple of game play clips of the multiplayer for the game. One kind of looks like the semi overtake races from Split/Second with a TM twist and the other a full arena style combat with a God Of War twist. At least that twist with all the spike traps and huge swinging spiked balls aimed to destroy your vehicle. I will say that what I've seen so far did have me flashing back to my early PS1 days with Twisted Metal though. Read More...
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PAX East Hands-On: The Darkness II
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 14th of March 2011 - 10:54 PM ]
After waiting two hours in line at the booth for The Darkness II my friend and I finally made it in to get our grimy little hands on the demo. We were the last batch of the day and the seven of us were ushered into the heavily guarded and boxed in booth. Inside it was dark with black lights and heavy, clear curtains dividing the actually play area from the main section. The creepy ambiance and The Darkness occasionally chiming in reminding us of its evil and demonic intentions set the mood for this sequel; Dark, Grim and Scary. Before we were able to play the actual game the Producer, Seth, gathered us around and told us that there are twelve screenshots out right now and if there happens to be a thirteenth one there is going to be hell to pay. Read More...
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