I will say that what I've seen so far did have me flashing back to my early PS1 days with Twisted Metal though. Just with better graphics and some new game play, like the "healo-copters." Since these look to be player controlled it looks like the medic role is now hopping over the franchise that is knee deep in killing and maiming. Definitely will lead to some interesting online matches.
I will say that I wish the original driver model would be used for the vehicles or at least get a new name with the vehicle. It threw me off seeing that there were images of Axel only to see a clown in place of the original Axel. I get that the single player game is going to be huge to only be able to cover the three characters that have been chosen, but you could at least include the original drivers for the vehicles. At least if you are going to use the names.
Maybe my nostalgia is kicking in too much here.