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See More Super Moves & Gameplay For Omen Of Sorrow Out Of EVO
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of July 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Omen Of Sorrow A lot of new looks for Omen Of Sorrow have come out of EVO this year as well as gamers having access to play Omen Of Sorrow during the event New gameplay for the fighting game Omen Of Sorrow has been shown off out at EVO this year as well as the ability to play it if you happen to be on the show floor during the event. Most likely if you are reading this then that means you are not on the floor watching all of the fighting games playing out nor are you enjoying the new title that AOne Games is putting together. That's okay though as we have footage of Omen Of Sorrow in action here to keep you in the loop as well as a look at some of the super moves that a few of the twelve characters will be able to drop in the game when all is said and done. Read More...
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Perfect Your Combat Art In Absolver With This Overview
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of May 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Absolver A new combat overview video for Absolver has been released to give us all a great look at Absolver's combat mechanics and how it will flow in game We've seen some of the great combat mechanics for Absolver here since it was first announced last year and now that it looks like the game will be hitting the PS4 and PC on August 29th now, Xbox One will get it at a later date, it is time to get a feel for how we will be using it all. This is the big selling point for the game from Sloclap and Devolver Digital so it needs to be just as good as it has looked so far. This is just why we have been given a new combat overview video for Absolver so we can get a solid taste for the gameplay and just how the combat will flow and be its own little art form in the game. Read More...
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ARK: Survival Evolved Is Going Virtual With Newly Announced ARK Park
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of December 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
ARK Park A new VR experience is coming with ARK Park as it will expand on aspects of the core title that ARK Park's VR would only be able to deliver to us all We've seen a few VR experiences that give us a feel for Jurassic Park but it looks like we are going to be getting a solid on here with ARK Park in 2017. At least a version that does what the original parks were intending to do without all of the crazy need to not be killed by dinosaur's aspect of it all. I guess Snail Games is going to leave all of that to ARK: Survival Evolved given that ARK Park is based in the same game universe and all about the fun experiences and not the dread of having to outrun all of those horrible beasts. Read More...
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Absolver Gets Some New Gameplay To Show Off As Well As Some Exclusives
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 6th of December 2016 - 10:00 PM ]
Absolver At PSX Absolver had some new gameplay shown off to the world as well as a new platform Absolver has been confirmed for Maybe you remember and maybe you don't, but back in May we had a look at a new title called Absolver. There has been some time from then to now so it wouldn't be a shocker if you forgot. This is a new title from developers Sloclap that is slated to hit the PC, Xbox One, and PS4 sometime next year. Absolver is an online multiplayer combat RPG focused mainly on melee combat and during PSX we were able to spot some new gameplay. Read More...
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It Looks Like Evolve Most Likely Won't Reach Stage 3 Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of October 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Evolve We've seen Evolve become something amazing but it looks like Evolve will no longer be changing and evolving as future development ceases If you thought that Evolve going free-to-play was an amazing thing and was going to bolster the player base back up to launch day proportions then you were…apparently wrong. At least that seems to be the case here as 2K Games has taken ownership of the game and Turtle Rock Studios will no longer be updating or tweaking the game from now on. This may or may not change in the future but as of now Evolve is stuck at Stage 2 and most possibilities of updates and Stage 2 coming to the PS4 and Xbox One are all on the back burners now. Read More...
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Evolve Stage 2 Is Bring Us Electro Griffin… Boogaloo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of July 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Evolve A new-ish character is coming to Evolve Stage 2 as one of the original hunters from Evolve is getting a solid makeover for you to earn up to That didn't take too long for the new Evolve to get yet another character update added into the mix. It looks like Turtle Rock Studios is truly behind this IP and don't want it to fall behind like so many other 2K Games titles out there that have. That is all in the past and as we wait for Evolve Stage 2 to hit the PS4 and Xbox One we have a new character joining in the mix for the PC version. Although I say new character, it is really just a new skin and weapon mechanics for a fan favorite character from before. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 7/4/16 — 7/8/16
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 8th of July 2016 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here's a recap of what we covered in the world of video games One more week in video games is in the bad now and it has been another fun one. We were able to see Evolve go free-to-play, how South Park is taking comedy serious here, and also a whole bunch of new Battlefield 1 gameplay to tide us over for a bit. We also had the chance to review three more video games here this week with some highs and some lows. It pains me to see horrible game reviews but then again it is our job to tell the developers when they have given us trash and when they have given us gold. Read More...
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Evolve Has Gone To Stage 2 As It Goes Free To Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of July 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Evolve It has been announced that Evolve is going free to play and you can now download Evolve on the PC to give all the new additions a try If you loved it or hated Evolve it makes no difference as the game is going free-to-play and getting a whole lot of upgrades and changes to the gameplay. As a matter of fact it looks like if you want to give the game a go on PC now that it is free it looks like 2K Games is giving it out to us all for free as of right now. That's right, you can now play Turtle Rock Studios' passion projected, Evolve for free right now on the PC and then later on the PS4 and Xbox One. No word on when that will happen just yet but do know that it is coming. Read More...
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It's Time To Take The Melee Combat Online With Absolver
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of May 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Absolver New online combat title, Absolver, has been announced and we have a bit of gameplay for Absolver just before the big E3 reveal It looks like we have the first of two titles that Devolver Digital has for us at E3 as Absolver has just been announced and came with a nice new trailer. This would be the new title being crafted by developers Sloclap and it aims to bring us all into an online combat world where we all want to become the best there is. I say that as it looks like Absolver is all about melee combat and not the traditional shooter combat that all of us are used to when it comes to online combat titles. It's not the first of its kind but it does look to try and perfect the craft in their own way. Read More...
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Review — Homefront: The Revolution
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of May 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Homefront We sit down and review Homefront: The Revolution. A reimagining of the franchise to make America great again. Here's our review of Homefront: The Revolution It's been a while coming but Homefront: The Revolution has released and we've been able to dive right into what Dambuster Studios has to offer us. It may not be what was originally in store for us back in the THQ days but since Deep Silver picked up the franchise and put the teams to work to reimagine the game we are in store for another fun ride in a fake historical timeline. It makes sense I swear. Read More...
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Here's The Other Side Of Homefront: The Revolution's Story
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of May 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Homefront Another trailer for Homefront: The Revolution has been released and this one expands a bit further on Homefront's story but from a different point of view of sorts We are only mere days away from Homefront: The Revolution hitting our PS4, Xbox One, or PC and the hype train is still rolling. With that comes another story trailer that Dambuster Studios has put together for us to show off another side of the conflict. Not in terms of seeing what the "enemies" are thinking and doing, while that would be interesting, but more along the lines of how the "Voice Of Freedom" in Homefront is being perceived. Read More...
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Here's Just How America Fell In Homefront: The Revolution
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of April 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Homefront The intro cinematic for Homefront: The Revolution has dropped online and it shows just how America fell in Homefront's skewed timeline If you were still not sure how the events of Homefront: The Revolution played out to where it is in its current state then know that we have yet another recap for you. We have a new trailer for the game from Dambuster Studios that shows just how skewed the timeline is going to be to allow the KPA to have taken down the American forces. It looks like Homefront is going to drastically different than the stated Red Dawn story that it had seemed to have taken from day one. Read More...
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Change The Hearts & Minds Of Homefront: The Revolution's Populous
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of April 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Homefront Another trailer for Homefront: The Revolution has been released and this time we get a better look at Homefront's Hearts And Minds mechanic that was teased before During the last trailer for Homefront: The Revolution we caught wind of one of the game's mechanics, Hearts and Minds, but never really received a solid explanation on how it works. It was more of a footnote in the video by Dambuster Studios on how the combat and tactics of the game will be used in the game. It is almost like Deep Silver is releasing the videos for Homefront here while introducing the mechanics or features for the next video coming. Read More...
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It Is Time To Ignite The Revolution In Homefront: The Revolution
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 30th of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Homefront A new trailer for Homefront: The Revolution has surfaced with a bit more of the story and tone for Homefront even though it feels a lot like stories of the past Here we go with yet another trailer for Homefront: The Revolution and this one is quite explosive. Literally here as it has been jam packed with all kinds of in-game footage from Dambuster Studios to show off just how poorly Philadelphia has fallen in the game's world. This of course is something that anyone who has kept their eyes on Homefront since the franchise popped up would know to be is "not good." If it was good then we wouldn't have much of a game and Deep Silver wouldn't be looking to get much back from us when it launches on May 17th. Read More...
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Take Your Homefront: The Revolution Guerrilla Warfare 101 Class
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Homefront A new trailer for Homefront: The Revolution has been released and it is set to prepare us for Homefront's single player and co-op with guerilla warfare Looks like we have another class to attend and this time it is learning all of Homefront: The Revolution's guerrilla warfare we will need to employ to bring down the KPA. That is that we have another new trailer from Dambuster Studios for the game and it shows off some new gameplay features that we will have on top of the normal sneaky tactics we usually use in FPS titles. Some of which make Homefront look like another huge home-run for Deep Silver to claim when the game finally launches on May 17th this year. Read More...
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