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Deus Ex Let's You Revolt By Shanking People
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of August 2010 - 05:16 PM ]
Let's face it, everyone likes to hand out a good old shanking to someone's face every now and then.* What better way to do that than a really cool "electrified" blade from behind? Am I right? Of course I am right. All proving-myself-right aside, it looks like that is just one of the really cool looking ways you will get to take down enemies in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. At least that is what I am gathering from these new screen shots handed out by Square Enix and Eidos for the game. If stabbing people isn't your bag, don't fret, there are a few other things you can observe. Read More...
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Get A Glimpse Of 2027 From Deus Ex
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of June 2010 - 11:02 PM ]
Want a glimpse into the future? Or at least a thought of how the future might be in the next 17 years? Then do we have something awesome for you. A look at how the world might look in 2027 from Eidos Montreal and Square Enix in the form of the new trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You know the title that has been getting the "secret" type treatment to build up to this. Now just like other concepts of the near future this is one that I can see working and hopefully not to far off. I mean, Demolision Man was way off and 1984 came and went. Read More...
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Gate Jumping From PAX
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of September 2009 - 11:07 PM ]
Even though you may not have been able to make it to PAX this year, for what ever reason or another, don't think you are going to be left out in the dark on fun content updates. Fun content like new screen shots and the fact behind Jumpgate Evolution from Codemasters. Like the ones that we swiped on placed here for you. You know down below, where they usually on when we bring up the fact that there are new screens. This MMO looks very interesting from the facts and images here though. Read More...
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The Ultimate Gaming Wishlist
by Jesse [ Friday, 31st of July 2009 - 02:52 PM ]
It only took two days for Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution to sink its hooks into me. I became addicted like no other game I’ve played before. But as much as I love Civ Rev, there are so many little things that could make it so much better. Before I get to the suggestions though I should mention, I’ve never really played any of the Civilization games that preceded Revolution so it’s entirely possible that the features I want to see were part of the formula prior to the franchise’s makeover. However having said that I found a lot of similarities between Civ Rev and a far less known PC game called Starships Unlimited. They are essentially the same game except where Civ Rev is focused on Earth and using historic civilizations, Starships Unlimited is set in a fictional universe and utilizes a variety of alien races along with humanity. Read More...
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Fitness & Video-Games
by Amanda [ Thursday, 15th of January 2009 - 07:14 AM ]
Let’s face it, it seems like America’s in a panic to lose weight as it infamously maintains it’s title as THEE most detrimental nation in existence; Late night infomercials, hip-hob abs, Power 90, Flirty Girl Fitness, counting calories on Big Mac boxes?! Us gamers are hardly left out in this day and age, especially with video-games becoming more and more interactive; Just ask our beloved Konami, the makers of le cult classic Dance Dance Revolution.  Wait, “D00D YOU DANCE?!” That’s probably top-secret information the majority of guys most likely don’t want to share at a frat party; your friends may assume fetal position, spewing ‘Gamer Fuel’ ( does anyone actually drink that stuff? Read More...
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[XBox 360 Review] Rock Revolution
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 29th of November 2008 - 04:37 PM ]
With Guitar Hero and Rock band taking a huge command over the market, one would expect Konami's first stab at the U.S. market with a Band music game would be successful. Hell, they are the creators of the genre in the first place, and have always done it right. Unfortunately with Rock Revolution, this is not the case. Konami fails to take their success at Rhythm games to the next plateau or even the same level as its competitors. The multiple missteps in Rock Revolution range in various capacities. Read More...
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