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Fitness & Video-Games
by Amanda [ Thursday, 15th of January 2009 - 07:14 AM ]
Let’s face it, it seems like America’s in a panic to lose weight as it infamously maintains it’s title as THEE most detrimental nation in existence; Late night infomercials, hip-hob abs, Power 90, Flirty Girl Fitness, counting calories on Big Mac boxes?! Us gamers are hardly left out in this day and age, especially with video-games becoming more and more interactive; Just ask our beloved Konami, the makers of le cult classic Dance Dance Revolution.  Wait, “D00D YOU DANCE?!” That’s probably top-secret information the majority of guys most likely don’t want to share at a frat party; your friends may assume fetal position, spewing ‘Gamer Fuel’ ( does anyone actually drink that stuff? Read More...
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