Let’s face it, it seems like America’s in a panic to lose weight as it infamously maintains it’s title as THEE most detrimental nation in existence; Late night infomercials, hip-hob abs, Power 90, Flirty Girl Fitness, counting calories on Big Mac boxes?! Us gamers are hardly left out in this day and age, especially with video-games becoming more and more interactive; Just ask our beloved Konami, the makers of le cult classic Dance Dance Revolution. Wait, “D00D YOU DANCE?!”
That’s probably top-secret information the majority of guys most likely don’t want to share at a frat party; your friends may assume fetal position, spewing ‘Gamer Fuel’ ( does anyone actually drink that stuff?) out of their flaring nostrils while they exasperate their manliness to Headshots and BBQ’ing Raiders with the ridiculously cool flamer via Fallout 3. Unfortunately for you, you most likely took a trip to a local arcade and have now, against your will, become an ‘Oni-Master’ and slave to Konami’s, Dance Dance Revolution. So, don’t be scared to buy that shiny dance-pad for yourself, your mother, brother, sister, and friends because I guarantee you’ll be mesmerized by the infamous, seizure inducing arrows long after you retire from the arcade. Nintendo brought gamers a way to cut-back on couch potato syndrome with Wii-Fit and now that Fitness is starting to become a concept that is more mainstream in the world of gaming, guys no longer have to use their sister as an excuse for that pad they’re stashing. Over the years, Konami has produced an incredible array of Dance Dance Revolution titles, and with an even more impressive selection of catchy dance tunes, DDR can basically cater to any taste. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or a person who games for light recreation, DDR does what it’s supposed to do – It makes you wanna get up and move!
While even the most sluggish body is in a constant state of
burning calories, it definitely isn’t enough to sustain a healthy heart. In
fact, Studies conducted in 2000 show that poor diet and lack of exercise was
the second highest cause of death after smoking, taking roughly around 365,000 lives.
The clincher? Teens are at the highest risk of complications due obesity simply
because of inactivity.
That being said, DDR isn’t meant to replace your game shelf chock full of Hardcore, rather, it can be a healthy outlet to work-up a sweat and have a ton of fun. Sadly, any time I’ve managed to have an awkward, hesitant conversation about DDR, it’s almost always resulted in a negative opinion; I’ve met people that claim DDR isn’t a legitimate way to get an effective work-out. I’ve met people who point out “What the hell is so fascinating about shuffling side-to-side?” However, the majority of these people are often by-standers who happen to be ignorant to the various difficulties and customization possibilities that DDR allows gamers. In fact, popping in your favorite DDR game is less of a hassle than following the same-old exercise routine. Isn’t it true that exercise is simply more fun if it doesn’t feel like exercise? If that’s true, the result of incorporating any aerobic/cardio activity is clearly more effective than a power bar and your failed Slim Fast attempts.
So, let’s look at the basic schematics of this un-popular sport known as “exercise.” Given a rough estimate, the human body stores around 3,500 calories per pound of body fat; Consuming 70,000 calories would ultimately endow you with 20lbs of pudge. While shifting your body weight as sloppily as possible won’t rid you of body fat, an average individual could greatly benefit from ridding roughly around 400-600 calories in a single hour – just by doing standard to heavy dancing. If you’re a good boy or girl and you substitute your Chili’s big-mouthed burgers with something more nutritionally valuable, you could probably be 20lbs lighter in three months.
The greatest part about DDR? You really don’t have to be Rico Suave to get in an effective regimen going, because most people look like they’re stepping on glass or convulsing, anyway!
While companies like Harmonix provide more subtle ways of burning those pesky calories, it certainly is more than likely that real drums don’t exactly coincide with Rock Band drums as far as feelin’ the burn; actual drummers are even known to peak their heart rate at 190 beats per minute, which is startling comparable to a professional athlete. Nevertheless, an Expert set list on Rock Band can make for some serious perspiration, and did you check out those professional Rock Band drums at CES? Yes, I’ve even heard of people playing drums in the n00d.
Whether you’re looking to get acquainted with a healthy weight, looking for an alternative to the gym, trying to load-up on achievements, and/or wanting some good fun, the video-game industry can certainly provide a sway from the healthy norm.