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Lost In Random Drops The Die On Some Fun New Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of July 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Lost In Random Lost In Random is here to give us a bit of randomness with some gameplay to excite us for Lost In Random Gameplay is out there a bit more for Lost In Random out of the latest EA Play Live event to get us all further into the randomness of this title here. That is something that Zoink is going to lean into for the game with the Even, Odd, and Dicey characters we are seeing here to help us make it through the realms of Random. There is definitely a theme here for Lost In Random and we will get to see more of it all on September 10th on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Switch, and PC. All to take on a new action platforming title with an amazing style and tone to the art and design of it all. Read More...
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It Is Time To Speak The Language Of The Forest With Fe
by Duke Searles [ Friday, 16th of February 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Fe The story and fun of Fe is finally here as the game has launched and for those still not sure on Fe, we also have another trailer to suck us in The day has finally come and Fe is here for our PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and/or PC. I know I have been waiting for this beautiful 3D platformer from Zoink since I first caught wind of it all and now I am glad to see that it has finally launched. To go along with all of that, EA has also provided us with a brand new trailer to watch for Fe to get all of you still on the bench up and ready to give the game a try. It does have the beauty of some other great titles like Journey in there and has us taking a small creature through an adventure to save all of the woodlands and connect all of us a bit closer through sound. Read More...
Tags: Fe, Zoink, EA, PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch,
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Learn Some New Songs Of Fe With Some New Gameplay Footage
by Duke Searles [ Tuesday, 2nd of January 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Fe Five new minutes of Fe gameplay footage has been released into the wilds and it gives us a new feel for Fe as well as how some of the core elements will handle We have some new gameplay for Fe here and it is somewhat a new and fresh look at the game since it was all first announced. It has been a while since then and now we have a little bit of a guided tour through part of the game with Zoink at the wheel. I will take all that I can get for Fe at this point as we should only have a few more months to wait for it to hit the Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC this year. At least if EA has anything to say about it and wants to get this “cutesy” title out to us to explore and have a good time with. Read More...
Tags: Fe, Zoink, EA, PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch,
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Review: Stick It To The Man!
by Kenton Winkfield [ Friday, 31st of January 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
We sit down and review Stick It To The Man!. Does it really do what the title implies though? Who hasn't wished they had to ability to read people's minds, or moves things with their minds, or rip someone's teeth out of their mouth and put them into someone else's mouth? Ok, maybe no one imagined doing the last part, but now you won't have to. All this and so much more is now possible in Stick It To The Man! Read minds, grab thumbtacks all over the world to access higher platforms, pick up various objects and ideas to solve various puzzles. Read More...
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