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Want To See Some Game Play For The Evil Within?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of October 2013 - 04:20 PM ]
Of course you do. In fact I have the game play that I got to watch for my E3 Impressions for The Evil Within here. Not exact as in step by step, but I do have all the sections that I was shown in the dark room. I knew if we waited patiently until the Eurogamer Expo that just took place we would get to see it in the wilds of the internet. Just to get the ball rolling for you, the game play picks up right after the initial trailer that was shown at TGS. Detective Sebastian Castellanos was just ambushed by a mysterious hooded figure and knocked out. Read More...
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Let's Get To Know The Rag Tag Group Of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of September 2013 - 05:55 PM ]
Nothing brings people together like a great heist. That's a saying, right? Well it is for my needs. Anyways, why should a great heist not bring a group of pirates together as we can see in the latest trailer for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag? With the unifying theme of greed among men who will most likely turn it around in the story to be the thing that saves us all from the evils of the world becoming the real story. Damn, I am going off topic again. Anyways, again, below is the latest trailer for the game with very sparse new info but at least it is a great advertising piece for us to devour. Read More...
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Check Out The Newish The Evil Within Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of September 2013 - 06:45 PM ]
This weekend is the Tokyo Game Show and we are slated to get a whole lot of new gaming information that isn't revolving around GTAV. For instance, we have below a nice High Quality trailer for Bethesda and Tango Gameworks' survival horror game The Evil Within. Psychobreak for those who caught the pre-show press conference from Sony. In either form, we have the nice and short game play trailer for the game below. Before you watch it, don't get your hopes up too high as to seeing anything really new for the game since E3 here. Read More...
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Can We ‘Quiet’ Down And Focus On The Drama Surrounding Metal Gear Solid V?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of September 2013 - 10:35 PM ]
I want to start off this whole thing with a nice quote from the amazing film Orgazmo. Take a look before I go into the bulk of what I want to talk about in this posting about the "over sexualization" in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V and comments made my Kojima. Just in case you skipped the clip, I don't know why you would have, it is pretty much how I feel about this whole "Sexy up" the characters in the game drama all over the internet. If you haven't heard this yet, doubtful, there was a huge splash made when Hideo Kojima spoke about making the characters in MGSV more erotic in hopes to get cosplayers and figurines of the game all over every convention. This is paraphrased mind you, but that is the short and dirty version. Read More...
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Hey Look At That, The Xbox One Has A Release Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of September 2013 - 08:58 PM ]
Just as I pondered and hypothesized a little while back, looks like we are getting the Xbox One on November 22nd this year. Just in time to get the bulk of the day one consoles out the door and on eBay to prey on the parents of demanding kids during Black Friday sales. If memory serves this is what Nintendo and Sony did back in 2006. The only difference being that Sony flooded the market with PS3s right around the same time screwing a lot of those capitalists out of a big payoff. I knew quite a few people that fell plague to this and I was glad. Read More...
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Titanfall Gamescom Demo Is A Little Too Mirror's Edge-like
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of August 2013 - 04:52 PM ]
I am sure that everyone has seen the following Titanfall trailer straight out of Gamescom last week. If not, then take a gander below. I am still trying to get excited for the game myself, slowly but surely, but I am starting to notice more and more of the "Free Running" aspect that was glossed over before and seems to be a key element to missions and survival. In earlier demos and showcasing this feature kind of seemed like a nice little extra to get to specific places on the map. This could be just what I took away from it all as I watched but, like I said, it is looking more or a key player… a star if you will. Read More...
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Dead Rising 3's New Trailer Shows The Real Tone Of The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of August 2013 - 11:16 PM ]
Just in case you were still worried about the overall tone of Dead Rising 3 still being "too serious" and you've missed all the Twitter chatter about the game still having its light hearted side, then do I have a trailer for you. The new Gamescom trailer for DR3 is out and from what I saw at SDCC for the game, this is more the tone that Capcom is going for. I'll let you take a watch in peace for now. Yes it was all CG, but from the gameplay I've been shown, the levity of it all is captured perfectly here and, as seen, still carries over from its predecessors. Read More...
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Here's What We Will Be Playing Day One For The Xbox One
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of August 2013 - 08:17 PM ]
Since it seems that Microsoft is still fine tuning all of the "features" and "requirements" around the Xbox One, why don't we focus on what seems a bit more concrete right now? I'm talking about the launch line-up that they just released into the wild during Gamescom. Below you can see the full list of titles ranging through almost every genre that we gamers could want. Even though I am personally not happy with how some of the titles are being handled, looking at you Killer Instinct, it looks pretty damn strong. Also a fun little thing to ponder over, if these are all supposed to be Day One titles, doesn't it kind of point the finger at late November launch for the console? Read More...
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Here Is An Extended Look At Dying Light's Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of August 2013 - 10:00 PM ]
It only took a few months, but the world has been gifted with what was for Dying Light behind doors back in June. Yes, I'm talking about the E3 press showing of the game. Although I do have to say that there are at least a few differences that I saw here that I didn't get to see before. One of which actually pin points one of the features. The feature I am talking about is the dynamic side missions. In the below video you will see a side mission with a little girl in a closet. Read More...
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Here We Go With The Destiny Game Play Walkthrough... Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of July 2013 - 06:32 PM ]
You most likely saw the Destiny game play footage during the PlayStation event at E3. You also most likely saw my Destiny recording from the Activision booth. Just in case you missed it all of those times, Bungie and Activision have been gracious enough to give us yet another look at the game play of Destiny. On the plus side, it doesn't have my horrid video angle and "shaky cam" to watch from. Nor does it have the game stalling out or lackluster player call outs to each other. Read More...
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E3 2013 Impression: Dying Light
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of June 2013 - 06:09 PM ]
Dying Light was one of the first games I got to sit in and watch at E3 and it was also one of the titles that really caught my attention leading up to the show. I completely enjoyed both of the Dead Island games and was interested to see how the FPS zombie genre was going to be changed as to make this a truly new IP for us gamers. Then I was a bit let down by essentially being shown Dead Island, with a few upgrades, mixed with the basics of Mirror's Edge. This isn't a horrible combination, but it doesn't really create anything completely new. Read More...
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E3 2013 Impression: Mad Max
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of June 2013 - 11:00 PM ]
I was born when Mad Max 2 hit the big screen and I was barely four when Beyond Thunderdome came out, but that still didn't stop me from enjoying the films, and the NES game, in my youth. You can only imagine my excitement when I saw the announcement trailer for Mad Max during the Sony press conference. Even though it was all CGI, Avalanche Studios had an Alpha build of the game in the Warner Bros. booth to show to all of us eager fans. Read More...
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E3 2013 Impression: Destiny
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of June 2013 - 09:13 PM ]
If I have to say one thing to start it off, Bungie and Activision kept the ball rolling with Destiny and not hiding anything special behind the closed doors of E3. While yes there was a demo that people stood in line for up to two hours to get a new look at Destiny, for the most part it was exactly what was shown during the Sony press conference at the start of the show. Even down to the people who were showing off the game. If you don't believe me, you can go ahead and watch the whole demo that was shown in Activision's booth during the week. Read More...
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PS4 Vs. Xbox One UPDATE
by Greg Tatterfield [ Wednesday, 19th of June 2013 - 11:51 PM ]
Microsoft has just released an update for the Xbox One on their official site. After the fan outcry about Microsoft’s aggressive DRM policies it seems like they have turned over a new leaf. To update my previous article PS4 Vs. Xbox One, here is what is changing with the Xbox One. Always on line no more Microsoft has confirmed that you will not be required to be online to play single player games. After you complete a onetime set up after the un-boxing you will never have to connect with the Xbox servers again just as with the Xbox 360. There is no 24-hour check in required to play your games. Read More...
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More Information About Kingdom Hearts III Has Been Revealed
by Kenton Winkfield [ Wednesday, 19th of June 2013 - 10:08 PM ]
Recently a Japanese video game news magazine called Famitsu had a conversation with Tetsuya Nomura, the director of the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III, in an attempt to get some more information about the game. Thankfully we were able to get a translation of the information. Nomura has confirmed that the game will pick up where Dream Drop Distance left off and will be the final game in the "Dark Seeker" saga that was started in the first Kingdom Hearts game. The team is currently deciding which worlds will be used in the game. I personally hope we get a Star Wars world. Read More...
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