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Things Are Getting Hairy For Call Of Duty: Ghosts
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of May 2013 - 04:35 PM ]
I am sure we are still trying to take in the Xbox One reveal and the odd focus on TV and Sports. But let's skip all of that for now and focus on the tail end of the reveal. I am talking Call Of Duty: Ghosts and the new trailer, behind the scenes, and comparison videos we all sat through 45 minutes to get to. Even though the Xbox One and 360 will be getting DLC first for the game, as usual, it is still a title that gamers of any platform can sink their teeth into. It looks like we are going into a post war world that has been ravaged by humans once again; the mongrels. Read More...
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In Case You Missed It, The Xbox One Has Been Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of May 2013 - 11:25 PM ]
If by some weird chance you were busy during the huge online announcement, the new Xbox is named Xbox One. That of course isn't the only news around the new console of course. Along with the new name came the hardware specifications, a few "new" features, and a look at a few games… well kind of. Before I get into the nuts and bolts so you don't have to sit through a boobless hour of hype, here is the "announcement" clip showing the actual system hardware. Now that you are all excited let me point out the piss in your Cheerios there. After watching the whole reveal it looks like there is a lot more focus on making the Xbox One a home entertainment system instead of a gaming console. Read More...
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Dead Space DLC
by Jesse [ Friday, 21st of November 2008 - 08:20 PM ]
Dead Space Space just got a little…deader It seems like all I can talk about these days is downloadable content and alternate skins and EA is going to keep me talking for a little while longer with their DLC release for Dead Space. A variety of downloadable packs have been released this week on the PlayStation Store, each ranging from $0.99 - $3.99. Read More...
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