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Steam Deck OLED Will Be Dropping Into Our Hands Here Very Soon
by Jana Lass [ Thursday, 9th of November 2023 - 08:00 PM ]
Steam The Steam Deck OLED is on its way with a release of this new Steam Deck landing next week for those that want to have the upgrade A new version of the powerful PC handheld device is on the way to us all with the Steam Deck OLED getting shown off and dropping out there on November 16th. Just in case you always need to have the latest and greatest hardware in your hands to play your video games, that is. This new version of the Steam Deck offers up not only the new and slightly larger screen for us all to use but also faster WiFi technology and a longer-lasting battery to have in the system. We all know we need more battery when it comes to these kinds of things, so maybe that is the bigger step forward for us all to look at with this new drop that is on the way. Read More...
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Portal With RTX Is Here To Show Off What We Might Have Missed Before
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of November 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Portal The release of Portal with RTX is almost here and we can now see how it compares to the original Portal out there I know we have all been pining for more Portal to come back into our lives and now we are just about to have that. It is more of the same game that we have loved from Valve up to now, but it is something more to have. Here we go with Portal with RTX to be added to our PC library out there, as long as our systems can actually run it all. It is the same great game but with all of the extra bells and whistles that were not around when it first launched. Read More...
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Head Back Into The World Of Portal With Aperture Desk Job
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of February 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Desk Job A new tech demo, Aperture Desk Job, is coming to let you see how a desk job will feel in the world of Portal It looks as if Valve is back at it, and not just with the launch of the Steam Deck, and we are getting a new experience with Aperture Desk Job. As the name alludes, it is a new gaming bit that takes place in the same mindset of Portal. Specifically, and as the name suggests, as someone with a desk job at Aperture Science. All of which being something that we can experience on our PC and specifically the new Steam Deck on March 1st. Read More...
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Half-Life: Alyx Will Now Give You Some Extra Commentary To Enjoy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of November 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Half-Life A new update for Half-Life: Alyx is here to give us a little more insight into how this Half-Life was made I know that everyone out there is looking for more in the realm of Half-Life. More of it along the lines of finally getting a full third game to it all but it seems like Valve will keep us wanting all of that. What they are not holding us back from is a little more in the mix of the VR title Half-Life: Alyx. Just as we have seen in the past, here we go with a new commentary update that will let us dive deeper into how the game was made by playing the game a bit more. Read More...
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Half-Life: Alyx’s UI & Gravity Gloves Have Some Fun Inspirations
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of March 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Half-Life A new video for Half-Life: Alyx offers up a look at how the Gravity Gloves came to be and how it links closer to the Half-Life franchise in general Here we go with a bit of a fun update for Half-Life: Alyx, as we have a look at how the game is going to handle a bit of the object manipulation in the VR setting yet still keep it all cannon within the universe. Yeah, something that normally just gets placed in as just part of the mechanics will have some deeper roots in the lore that Valve is building. It may not be a huge thing, but just know what we are talking about here will be the precursor to the Gravity Gun in the Half-Life universe. Read More...
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Half-Life: Alyx Will Offer Up Multiple Ways To Move In The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of March 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Half-Life Gameplay for Half-Life: Alyx is here giving us all the fun of Half-Life and just how we will move around in VR We are finally in the month of release for Half-Life: Alyx and now we are glad to be back with some actual gameplay from the game to look and enjoy. Something that actually shows off just how Valve has made this game function and how some of the controls will be used. Sure, it is a VR title so we will be part of the controls here, but something that is usually a sticking point for these kinds of games is the movement in the world. Something that this Half-Life title is tackling by giving us all of the options. Read More...
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Half-Life: Alyx Has A Release Date For Us To Eyeball
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of February 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Half-Life The release date for Half-Life: Alyx is now set and we will be able to get into this VR version of Half-Life in March now The headline here mainly says it all, we now have a release date for Half-Life: Alyx and when we will be taking a trip back into the universe in a not-so-third way. If you remember, this is the VR title set in the same universe with a bit of the story that Valve announced not so long ago. It got a lot of hopes up and slightly let down even though it is a solid return to the franchise. Read More...
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Half-Life: Alyx Is Bringing The Franchise Into A New Virtual Space
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of November 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Half-Life The next Half-Life title is announced with Half-Life: Alyx and it is moving the franchise into virtual reality next year It looks like it is happening as we have the next title in the Half-Life universe announced and slated to hit us in March of 2020. Yes, you read that and can start to get excited. It looks like the tease that Valve has had us on for a while is almost over as we have Half-Life: Alyx coming now and heading to us via VR… I am sure that was not the part of it all that you were expecting. It may be a bit of a shock, but hear it all out and give it all a try. Read More...
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Dying Light Is Crossing Over With Left 4 Dead 2 For A Short Bit
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of October 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Dying Light A crossover event for Dying Light is about to kick off that will bring some of Left 4 Dead 2 in to the Dying Light universe for all There have been a few crossover events that have happened in gaming as of late and now we have word of one more coming to Dying Light for those that are still playing and looking for another blast from the past. In fact, something that is going way back as it looks like Techland is teaming up with Valve to do a crossover that will bring in some fun from Left 4 Dead 2. They are both zombie games so it makes a bit of sense. Read More...
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Watch The PC Gaming 2018 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of June 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
E3 2018 Can't Be At E3 2018 Or The PC Gaming Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2018 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2018 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with PC Gaming's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2018 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully, we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Watch The PC Gaming 2017 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of June 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
E3 2017 Can't Be At E3 2017 Or The PC Gaming Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2017 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2017 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with PC Gaming's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2017 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Left 4 Dead 3 Might Have Just Been Revealed On Accident
by Julia Schoebel [ Thursday, 30th of June 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Left 4 Dead 3 We may be shown that Left 4 Dead 3 is coming to us sometime as Left 4 Dead 3 was spotted on an employee's computer in some way If rumors and speculation are true it looks like Left 4 Dead 3 may be on its way here in some time. That time is still up in the air if it is truly being worked on but as it looks an employee has been spotted over at Valve with a directory structure showing files that point to the game being in production. Of course this doesn't dictate that Left 4 Dead 3 is going to be a solid release here in the developer's portfolio but it does kind of lend to it being in the works. Especially given all of the other weirdness that happen to be going on along with this supposed leak of the game. Read More...
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Watch The PC Gaming 2016 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of June 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
E3 2016 Can't Be At E3 2016 Or The PC Gaming Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2016 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2016 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with PC Gaming's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2016 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Portal Is Getting More Trials Just For VR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of March 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Portal Another set of trials for Portal have been announced and they will take us into the world of Portal through VR as we try not to die yet again Just when you thought you had survived the world of Portal you are going to get pulled back in. Well that is if you are aiming to pick up the HTC Vive and are willing to download Valve's new trials they are putting out there in the form of The Lab. Yes this is an all new experience for Portal and it is all in VR with all of us getting a solid look at its debut during GDC 2016 next week. As you can assume there isn't much to go on for this new compilation of VR experiments coming to Portal. Read More...
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Operation Wildfire - Counter Strike: Global Offensive
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Saturday, 20th of February 2016 - 01:00 AM ]
Wildfire A short rundown of the new operation wildfire Operation Wildfire is spreading like wildfire through the Counter Strike community. Pun intended. After a long drought and the disaster of the winter update, which caused Valve to undo the changes from all the backlash it was receiving, we are finally getting a new operation, case, many needed game changes, and perhaps most importantly the return of Nuke. I'll get into all that in detail in just a moment. Let’s start off with the operation itself. Read More...
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