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It Is Time To Go Next-Gen With Saints Row: The Third Remastered
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of May 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Saints Row The Saints Row: The Third Remastered is out there on the PS5 and Xbox Series X to bring us all more of the Saints Row goodness The Saints are back and officially on the PS5 and Xbox Series X with the launch of Saints Row: The Third Remastered here. As you are reading this right now, you can head out and pick the game up once more and head back into the insanity that Deep Silver gave us all from years ago. Just in case the backward versions of the other Saints Row titles that are available too. That is not to dissuade you at all from this remaster, but it is something to note so you can dive into all of the craziness and have the full story all in one place. Read More...
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Saints Row: The Third Remastered Is Also Getting Its Next-Gen Showcase
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of May 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Saints Row The remaster for Saints Row: The Third is now heading to the next-gen systems to allow for more Saints Row fun in the wilds The rumors that were out there seem to be true, as we have confirmation that the Saints Row: The Third remaster is now heading to the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Not through any kind of backward play, as that was already kind of a thing, but in a full upgrade that will give us all the options and features we may have been looking for over the last year. That and Deep Silver most likely wanted to tap this new generation of hardware to bring us the final-final version of the game here. That is not to say that Saints Row: The Third was not a great title to experience, but it just feels like we will see so many more versions like this from all the great titles of the past. Read More...
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Saints Row: The Third Is Getting Remastered For The Current-Gen
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of April 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Saints Row There is more Saints Row coming, as we have the announcement for a remaster to Saints Row: The Third for the current-gen systems We had some news that Saints Row: The Third was going to be heading to the Switch a while back, but now here we go with an announcement that will bring it over to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This time as a fully remastered version of it all from Sperasoft at the request of Deep Silver. All to make sure that we all have the Saints back in our lives for a bit longer and with some better visuals that we may remember them to have had. Read More...
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The Full Package Of Saints Row: The Third Is Hitting The Switch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of April 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Saints Row Saints Row: The Third — The Full Package is heading to the Nintendo Switch for those who need more Saints Row in their mobile life It only took eight years, but it looks like Saints Row: The Third is making its way onto a Nintendo system. You most likely figured it out that said system would be the Switch as it would be a bit weird for Deep Silver to bring it to any of the others, but sometimes gamers do not think clearly. That does not change the fact that a Saints Row title will be coming to the Switch on May 10th and bringing all of the fun we know of the series and game in a mobile way. You know, because the console is something you can go mobile with and bring all of the raunchy humor along for the ride. Read More...
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Saints Row 3: The Full Package
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 26th of September 2012 - 09:01 PM ]
THQ has recently announced a "Game Of The Year" type package for Saints Row: The Third. Simply called "Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package" for a price of $49.99. A release date has also been announced, and lucky for all you fans it's soon; November 6th, 2012. For PS3, XBox 360, and PC. The "Full Package" includes the full game, all three DLC mission packs, and over thirty DLC bonus items. I always regret not being able to buy Saints Row: The Third, but I did manage to play it. Now I have a damn good reason to own it and play through it all over again. Read More...
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Review: Saints Row: The Third
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 6th of December 2011 - 05:15 PM ]
As I'm writing this I'm still picking off the fragments of my skull and brains from my walls. Where do I begin with Saints Row: The Third The over-the-top everything in the game? The hilarious story? The endless hours of mind numbing fun? Or maybe I should start with an anecdote? Yeah let's start off with a quick little anecdote. Alright, let's go back in time ten years. Queue cliché movie transition. Read More...
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Trailer Park (11/9/11)
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 9th of November 2011 - 05:47 PM ]
Alright it's time for the next installment to Trailer Park! First up we got a magnificent trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the Wii, showing off some beautiful landscapes and scenery featured in game, as well as some game play and story elements all to a gorgeous orchestral number. Now I sadly will not be getting Skyward Sword, as much as I would like to simply because I don't have a Wii and I really don't plan on ever getting one. A heavy price to pay to miss out on this gorgeous looking game. Read More...
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