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Metal: Hellsinger VR — Announcement
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of March 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Hellsinger Check out the new trailer for Metal: Hellsinger VR that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Metal: Hellsinger VR is a rhythm shooter title for the Meta Quest 2, 3, and Pro, PSVR2, and Steam VR coming from The Outsiders and Funcom in 2024.     Metal: Hellsinger VR — Announcement Metal: Hellsinger, the pure metal rhythm shooter with the multi-award-winning soundtrack performed by metal legends, is coming to Meta Quest 2, 3, and Pro, PSVR2, and Steam VR in 2024! Step into the body of the Unknown in full VR and become a true demon of vengeance. Metal: Hellsinger VR redesigns the acclaimed rhythm shooter from the ground up, placing its infernal arsenal straight into your hands and the fires of Hell at your feet. Read More...
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Jazz Things Up A Bit With Some New Mods For Metal: Hellsinger
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of September 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Hellsinger Our Hellsinger is going to be slaying demons to some new music in Metal: Hellsinger with the latest update It is a little shocking that this close to the launch of Metal: Hellsinger that we are getting a massive update for the game now. Not just some quality of life things or slight changes that most will never truly see, but an update that The Outsiders is adding in to allow us to change things up in the game further. At least if you are playing Metal: Hellsinger on the PC at this point since this is the only platform seeing it at that point. Given that this is more of a way to mod the game than anything, it makes sense. Read More...
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Metal: Hellsinger — Razer Chroma Integration
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of August 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Hellsinger Check out the new trailer for Metal: Hellsinger that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm shooter title for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC coming from The Outsiders and Funcom on September 15th, 2022.     Metal: Hellsinger — Razer Chroma Integration Slay and shine your way through the eight Hells with Razer Chroma RGB! 🤘 We've partnered with Razer to bring out the full Hellsinger in you! Sync compatible peripherals with Razer Synapse to sync your RGB to the sound of the game, so every beat can light up the room. Read More...
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Metal: Hellsinger Will Be Having You Headbanging Out At Gamescom
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of August 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Hellsinger Get ready for a solid Hellsinger concert out at Gamescom wot help show us all more for Metal: Hellsinger The launch of Metal: Hellsinger is almost here with September 15th coming up quickly and so many out there experiencing the demo on the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC as well. You know what else is coming up? Gamescom is on the way where I am sure The Outsiders will also offer up more gameplay and announcements for Metal: Hellsinger too. They have to. Read More...
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Metal: Hellsinger Will Be Fully Dropping On Us This Coming September
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of June 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Hellsinger The release date for Metal: Hellsinger is set down with a demo version of Hellsinger ready for us to slay with Get your headbanging skills in order, as we have a date that we can finally get all-in on with Metal: Hellsinger. There was a suspicion that we were going to be seeing it some time around the start of Fall and The Outsiders have not failed us all on that. Those looking to get Metal: Hellsinger on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, or PC can now mark down September 15th as the date to get into it all. You can also just pre-order the game now to make sure it will download to your system and truly make sure you are not going to miss out. Read More...
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Metal: Hellsinger Adds In Another Massive Talent To The Lineup
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of May 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Hellsinger The lineup of singers for Metal: Hellsinger has another talent mixed in with Serj Tankien joining in on Hellsinger The list of singers coming to Metal: Hellsinger is getting larger with another big name offering up their voice and a new song to slay some demons to. Not that The Outsiders have not had a whole lot in there already with Arch Enemy, Lamb Of God, and Trivium having a show in the game. Not that these are not fun ones to have in already, but now Funcom has opted to shell out to bring Serj Tankian from System Of A Down into Metal: Hellsinger. That is not the only thing either, as Serj is bringing more than just the vocals to the game but a bit more to experience in the game. Read More...
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The Riffs Are Getting Heavier & Spicier For Metal: Hellsinger
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of December 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
Hellsinger Metal: Hellsinger has some new and raw gameplay to take in to show us how Hellsinger is progressing with the new vocals The wait for Metal: Hellsinger to hit all of our systems just seems to be taking forever for us. That is the feel for me at least and we still have to wait for The Outsiders to get things done. It does mean that we are getting more artists in the mix of the music here for Hellsinger, but it is all a tease until we get to actually play it ourselves. The musicians are nice to have and I am glad to see the roster expanding, but we all want the gameplay to enjoy. Read More...
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Metal: Hellsinger Is Going To Make Us Wait A Bit Longer To Headbang
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of November 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Hellsinger A delay has hit Metal: Hellsinger here with Hellsinger now pushed out until next year for us to enjoy This week has been filled with so many delays and here we go with one more, as Metal: Hellsinger will not be coming out in 2021 now. It will now be coming to us in 2022 with The Outsiders taking their time to hit the expectations of the game that we have had up to now. This seems to be the case for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC versions of it all. So, at least everyone will have to wait a bit longer for Metal: Hellsinger to have us thrashing out there and slaying to the intense beats of the music in the game. Read More...
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More Metal & Shooter Is Here For The Upcoming Metal: Hellsinger
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of November 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Hellsinger New gameplay for Metal: Hellsinger is here to not only show off the game but some of the new music Metal: Hellsinger will bring us Get those heads banging, as we have more for Metal: Hellsinger and this time it is all about the new music we are going to be shooting to in the game. For those that may have forgotten, this is a rhythm shooter that will have us blasting our way through Hell to the beat of some heavy and dark metal. The name Metal: Hellsinger kind of alludes to all of that, but it is nice to have a bit of a recap here to get us back in the mindset. Something looks to be going insanely well based on the latest song and music video we have for the game here. Read More...
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Metal: Hellsinger Will Have A Slay Hell To A Hellish Beat
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of June 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Hellsinger A new rhythm-shooter, Metal: Hellsinger, is announced with Hellsinger mixing up the FPS and Rhythm genre to keep the blood pounding in our ears It is not like it has not been done before, but the rhythm genre and the FPS genre do not always seem like a go-to when thinking about a game, but here we are with the announcement for Metal: Hellsinger. This would be the next attempt at this style of game from The Outsiders and Funcom slated to hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC sometime next year. As the name kind of describes, Metal: Hellsinger is going to focus more on the heavy metal side of the music as we run ourselves through a hellish landscape slaying demons and devils to the beat of some amazing guitar licks and brutal screams. Read More...
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Darkborn Is No Longer Going To Be A Game We Can Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of May 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Darkborn Darkborn has now been canceled after a long development states with the Darkborn developers moving on to something else It is time to put a pin in Darkborn, as it looks like it will no longer be heading to the PC, PS4, or Xbox One now. Not that The Outsiders has opted to go with a different platform or style for the game but that it has been more or less put on hold. Some read it is as canceled, but it is more like they have just stopped working on Darkborn after the four years that have been put in already. The specifics on why it was halted is not fully given, but it is not because the studio is shutting down. Read More...
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New Gameplay And Name Is Here For The Upcoming Darkborn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of April 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Darkborn Project Wight is now known as Darkborn and we have a whole lot of new gameplay to show off how Darkborn has evolved since we last saw it It looks like the old Project Wight is no more as it will now be known as Darkborn from henceforward. Not that The Outsiders has scrapped the former title, but that was just the working title before we have the current name of this interesting title set down to be able to know what game we are talking about. Not the biggest of news here unless you are overly excited for just something named Darkborn. I guess this is why we also have some new gameplay for the game to dive into and see how it has progressed. Read More...
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Here's A Sneak Peek Of Project Wight That Twists The 'Monster' Story A Bit
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of November 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Project Wight A new game in the works codenamed Project Wight has a new sneak peek to show off what we could have in store when Project Wight comes to market It is always interesting to see where some developers go after they leave other big projects and it looks like Project Wight is the next game to jump into this category. This is the new title coming from a new development team named The Outsiders and it looks like they are taking that name a bit to heart on what we have here for the first "sneak peek" of their project. Project Wight seems to be the working title for the game right now and just as we have a working title to work with we also have very few details on what this game is going to fully entail. Read More...
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