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Darkborn Is No Longer Going To Be A Game We Can Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of May 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Darkborn Darkborn has now been canceled after a long development states with the Darkborn developers moving on to something else It is time to put a pin in Darkborn, as it looks like it will no longer be heading to the PC, PS4, or Xbox One now. Not that The Outsiders has opted to go with a different platform or style for the game but that it has been more or less put on hold. Some read it is as canceled, but it is more like they have just stopped working on Darkborn after the four years that have been put in already. The specifics on why it was halted is not fully given, but it is not because the studio is shutting down. Read More...
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New Gameplay And Name Is Here For The Upcoming Darkborn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of April 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Darkborn Project Wight is now known as Darkborn and we have a whole lot of new gameplay to show off how Darkborn has evolved since we last saw it It looks like the old Project Wight is no more as it will now be known as Darkborn from henceforward. Not that The Outsiders has scrapped the former title, but that was just the working title before we have the current name of this interesting title set down to be able to know what game we are talking about. Not the biggest of news here unless you are overly excited for just something named Darkborn. I guess this is why we also have some new gameplay for the game to dive into and see how it has progressed. Read More...
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