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Sand Land Takes Us Further Into The Sandstorm Of A Story
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of April 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Sand Land More of the story for Sand Land is here with a very spot-on song to help usher in the pending launch of Sand Land With the launch of Sand Land looming ever closer, April 26th is under two weeks away, it seems like it might be time for us to get more of the story to the game. As if we have not already had a whole lot of it in the many other forms that Bandai Namco has put out there already. Thankfully, this new little version of it all drops a sick beat that everyone from the early 2000s will either love or hate. Take that as you will as we enter into the Sandstorm of what Sand Land is going to give us when it lands on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Put On Our Battle Armor And Take Another Look Around Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of April 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Sand Land Another customizable vehicle for Sand Land is getting shown off just a little bit before the full launch of Sand Land Just when we thought we had all that we could for Sand Land, here we go with one more look at another vehicle we will get to use in the game. I will use the term vehicle a little loose here with this one being more of a mech suit instead of something we normally drive around in. Although Bandai Namco will be listing it as Battle Armor instead. It is what it is and we have one more way to get around in Sand Land as well as something else to customize on April 26th when the game lands on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Head Back Into The Sand Box With On Last Diary For Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of April 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Sand Land The final dev diary for Sand Land is out and it takes us deeper into new lands to come in Sand Land We have had the tease for the upcoming Forest Land out there when Sand Land hits us all, and now we have a bit more to dive into for all of that. All to not only build up more hype for the game but also to allow for Bandai Namco to share with us some of the other little things we can expect. All in the final developer diary for Sand Land as we wait out the time until April 26th when the game will hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Not much more time to wait, but still a solid bit we are going to have to endure out there. Read More...
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Sand Land Takes Us Further Into The Fight With The Forest Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of March 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Sand Land A bit of the story of Sand Land is here along with a look at one of the other lands we will have to explore in Sand Land The ride toward the launch of Sand Land is getting closer with April 26th rolling up fast. With that rolling in, it looks as if Bandai Namco is ready to give us all a look at more of what will be out there in the game. More in the way of the Forest Land we are going to be taking up arms against and the various other vehicles we will get to ride around in. Put on your seatbelt and get ready to take in a bit more of what Sand Land has to offer and see the other biomes we will be exploring in the mix. Read More...
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Sand Land Is Letting Us Take Some Of These Vehicles For A Test Drive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of March 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Sand Land A demo for Sand Land is out there so we can all have a quick taste of what will be coming in Sand Land We have had a lot to look at for Sand Land up to now, and I am sure we are going to have a lot more before April 26th. Sometimes, though, trailers and videos do not do the full thing to help sell a game. We know this. Bandai Namco knows this. Read More...
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Jump Into Your Custom Car & Head Out Into The Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of March 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Sand Land The custom car for Sand Land is on display as we round out the vehicles we will have within Sand Land The next vehicle is coming off the line and ready for us to customize in Sand Land. Well, at least for us to look at and picture how we might customize it when Bandai Namco brings the game to the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on April 26th. So, there is still time to plan all of this out and get ready for that launch. For now, though, we will take a look at the basic car we will have in our storage for Sand Land and just how it might handle differently than the many others we have had to feature so far. Read More...
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Sand Land Gets The Biker Gang Revved Up For The Wastes
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 8th of March 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
Sand Land The motorcycle is on display for Sand Land and we get a taste of how it will speed things up Sand Land Here we go with one more of the vehicles coming to Sand Land with the motorcycle hitting the desert to give us all one more way to get around. We will be able to house five different vehicles when we hit the wastelands, so now it seems like Bandai Namco is trying to hype up another to customize for us. That and to get us all ready to hit the road, or lack thereof in Sand Land, on April 26th when we can do so on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Let us get those engines roaring and dive into what we have to look at for the latest vehicle in the game. Read More...
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Jump Around The World With Your Jump Bot Within Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of March 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
Sand Land One more vehicle is on display for Sand Land with the Jump Bot doing what it does out in the wastes of Sand Land Let us all jump right in with the next vehicle we are going to get to roll around in when we are playing Sand Land. This time with the Jump Bot that we have seen out there from Bandai Namco to help get us hyped up for the April 26th release of the game on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A vehicle that is going to do what the name implies but a little bit more in the world of Sand Land. All as we perfectly customize it all and make it fit our preferences of how the game should look. Read More...
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Sand Land Gives Us One More Custom Battle Tank To Look At
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of February 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
Sand Land Another vehicle for Sand Land is here and it shows off some of the customization we will have in Sand Land We have seen many of the customization options that Sand Land is going to offer up for us all when the game launches, and here we go with a bit more. Specifically, the options that will be coming for the vehicles and tanks we will drive and help sell the game for Bandai Namco. As if they really needed any help for that with all of the fans of Sand Land already, but it does give us some new gameplay to look at. New gameplay to help get us all hyped up for April 26th to get here so we can play the game and customize it all on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Drive Further Into The Gameplay Coming Soon For Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of February 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
Sand Land A deep dive into the gameplay of Sand Land is here so we can see everything that Sand Land is going to be able to offer up There just always seems to be much more coming for Sand Land, as we had a massive developer diary drop just before and here we go with a full gameplay overview of it all. One that will highlight all of the fun that the game will offer up as Bandai Namco get the final marketing push out there. Something that will also give us something to dig into for Sand Land as we eagerly await the release of the game on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on April 26th. Read More...
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Dive Into All Of The Developer Diaries For Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of February 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
Sand Land A new cut of the developer diaries for Sand Land have been compiled to get us all of the details for Sand Land to know We have all tried to keep up with all of the updates for Sand Land but sometimes things fall through the cracks. There is always so much coming out of Bandai Namco that it is going to happen from time to time. Thankfully, we are here with one more supercut of the developer diaries for Sand Land so we can all get caught up on what is coming in the game. Given that it is launching on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on April 26th, it would be wise to know what it is all going to entail. Read More...
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The Hover Tank Is On Full Display Now For Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of February 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Sand Land A new vehicle for Sand Land is out there to look at as we all get ready for the launch of Sand Land in a few months We have had a look at some of the vehicles coming to Sand Land, one so far, and here we go with another that we will get to ride around in when the game launches. I am sure we will have many more as Bandai Namco builds up to the April 25th launch on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. This time, though, we are looking at the hover tank that will be floating around the desert and other landscapes we will need to explore in Sand Land. With out much more gilding the lily, let us all have a look at this heavy vehicle and the damage it is going to cause for all of those enemies out there in the deserts of the world. Read More...
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Sand Land Is Ready To Drive Us Home With A Release Date Set
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 12th of January 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Sand Land The release date for Sand Land is now set for the fans of Sand Land to get those pre-orders rolling right on in The wait is coming to an end for those who have been hyped up for Sand Land coming to the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. There is still a bit of a wait, but there is an end in sight with Bandai Namco finally offering up a solid release date for the game. More than just "Spring of 2024" at that, and with some new pre-order options along the way. Get ready to head out and explore the dunes of Sand Land this coming April 26th. Read More...
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Take A Uniride Around With New Gameplay We Have For Sand Land
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of December 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
Sand Land The gameplay for Sand Land is starting to slip on out there with a look at our Uniride we will have in Sand Land There has been a whole lot of the story for Sand Land out there when it comes to the video game, and here we go with some actual gameplay to take in. Some gameplay that shows off the world, creatures we will be facing, and the vehicle we will be doing that from. Bandai Namco is giving us all a little bit of Christmas early it would seem. Even if it is short and some of us would rather like to know when Sand Land will be hitting the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Sand Land Tells Us The Story Again… But In English
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of October 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Sand Land The English dubbed version of Sand Land’s story trailer is here to better sell others on picking gup Sand Land A short while ago, we had a look at the story coming at us all for Sand Land. Some of you lost your minds over it while others let it slip on by given that Bandai Namco was treating it like an anime and manga. That being that they left it all in its original form and did not make it easy for non-Japanese speakers to understand it all. True to form for all of this, we have a new version of that trailer to take in that also follows the same suit. Read More...
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