Sand Land
A deep dive into the gameplay of Sand Land is here so we can see everything that Sand Land is going to be able to offer up
There just always seems to be much more coming for Sand Land, as we had a massive developer diary drop just before and here we go with a full gameplay overview of it all. One that will highlight all of the fun that the game will offer up as Bandai Namco get the final marketing push out there. Something that will also give us something to dig into for Sand Land as we eagerly await the release of the game on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on April 26th. Let us all now jump into the pilot's seat and see what the world is going to offer up that the manga might not have given fans already.
There is a bit of information here for Sand Land that we have had to cover already, but some new things are definitely mixed in here. Like the fact that we will be able to carry up to five different vehicles with us as we wander the lands out there and if they go down, so do we in the game. Also, each of the characters will have a vast ability tree that we will need to unlock and expand along the way in the game. It is interesting to see, since one of these characters is also described as the one we need to go to for our customization in Sand Land. Maybe not so odd, but you would think this task could have gone to one of the many other citizens we will gather in the growing city as we help bring that to life over our run in the game.
Sand Land — Gameplay Overview
Get your Sand Land primer right here! We've got everything you need to know to be ready starting Day One to traverse the desert and come out on top in this Gameplay Overview video.
Pre-order now, and venture out on April 26, 2024.
I am a little surprised by the vehicle aspect here for Sand Land, but this could have been something from the manga I did not know. It is a great feature to see so we are not stuck with one and will need to travel back and forth if we encounter things that only that machine can handle. Then there is the city-building part that makes sense but is only truly getting to shine now. I mean, we are out there to rebuild in Sand Land so it makes perfect sense we will need to get that community back together. I just hope it brings us things like it has in other video games and is not just something to slowly grind out for those completetionists out there. Make the city give something back for our hard work beyond allowing us to buy more gear.
Do you think you know all there is for Sand Land and now just need to be able to dive into it all? Would it be nice if the city offered up things like basic revenue for us or made other parts of the game easier if we took the time to engage in the system? Will we ever need more than five vehicles in the game or does it feel like we can wander around with one of each and only need to swap them out as we upgrade along the way? Drive on down to the comment section to discuss all of that and anything else you might have to question about the game as of now. We are going to have more for Sand Land, I am sure, so please come on back to see it all and get fully up to speed on everything that is going on with all video games.