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The Sights Of Final Fantasy XIV
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of July 2010 - 06:59 PM ]
We got a release date for the game and a view of what the PC box will look like, but what about an update on what the game looks like. We haven't had a good one of those since around the time of E3. Am I right? Of course I am. Well let's take a look at some of the new creatures to kill and environments to come to us this September 30th. Having had actual hands-on with the beta of the game, I can assure you that what you see below is what the in-game will look like; if you have a system that can handle it. Some of the creatures look a bit new, but I will say I am a fan that they went back to the original look of the Bombs. Read More...
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Finally A Date For Final Fantasy XIV
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 1st of July 2010 - 03:56 PM ]
The fantasy is back and it is never final as Square-Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV will have a global PC release date of September 30th. For those who will get the Collector's Edition, they will be able to access the game eight days prior to the Standard Edition. The prices for the Standard and Collector's Edition are $49.99 and $74.99, respectively, which is really not that bad for what they offer in the Collector's Edition. Read More...
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The Beauty Of Final Fantasy XIV
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of May 2010 - 01:51 PM ]
Now I was not a big fan of Final Fantasy XI. Maybe it was the grind. Maybe it was the lack of people that I like to play with. Maybe it was the lower end graphics for the game. At least lower end to my high standards. Yes I am a graphics prima donna now. I have been spoiled by the "next gen" consoles and higher end PC graphics for too long. Well at least now due to online socializing and the below new screen captures of Final Fantasy XIV, it looks like two of the above three issues I had will be taken care of. At least if these are in game shots, most likely, and not pre-rendered from an intro clip or cut scene type clips. Read More...
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Beastiary Legal In Final Fantasy XIV
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of October 2009 - 10:16 PM ]
Ok pervert, I know what you thought when you first clicked in here. No, boning animals is not going to be in Final Fantasy XIV. It still got you to look in here to check out the shots of the creatures that you will be slaying in the game. So technically you will be giving them the bone, but not in the legal issue way that you may have been thinking. So there. These shots do look like Square Enix is dead serious in giving what people have come to expect from them: a visually stunning game. Read More...
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TGS Fantasies Are Given
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of September 2009 - 07:41 PM ]
As was to be expected in the Final Fantasy Fan capital of the world, Japan, and at the game show specifically in their location, Tokyo Game Show, there is some new eye candy for the franchise. All in the form of shots of the specific Final Fantasy bundled PS3 and a nice shiny new game trailer for Final Fantasy XIV. Something to get the salivary glands overworking for us all that couldn't make TGS yet still wanted to see something from Square Enix. The themed PS3, seen below, is a bit "girlie" if I do say so. Read More...
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XIV Before XIII?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of June 2009 - 09:47 PM ]
Possible Beta Schedule For Final Fantasy XIV Let me say this here: This is speculation based on career board finding and nothing official. The same goes for any site that isn't as courteous as Aggrogamer to state this. Now that is out of the way. One of the big shockers at E3 this year was the announcement of Final Fantasy XIV Online. At least as far as the Sony briefing went. But it looks like there might be something else out there to excite and entice fans of all things Square-Enix. Read More...
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