These shots do look like Square Enix is dead serious in giving what people have come to expect from them: a visually stunning game. Most MMOs don't go all out on the graphics because it is hard on personal systems as well as server communications. To have high end graphics calculations sent and compiled between the could translate to slower gameplay, more LAG, and overheating graphics cards and systems. Catering to a diverse audience is why things are kept on the low end for graphics, but these shots of the creatures are something you would expect to be in an offline Final Fantasy game. Just look at the Ogre and be in awe.
Hopefully the minds over at Square Enix have figured out how to efficiently do all of this so that our PS3s and PCs will be able to run the game at full settings without worry. I really want to see these things animated in these resolutions and definitions. Morbols beware of this FF fan.
Here are the first ten creatures they have added to the website. I'd expect to see more in the not to far off future, as is the Squenix way. Enjoy.