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Metro Exodus Has a Limited Aurora Edition To Pre-Order Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of August 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus The pre-orders are up for Metro Exodus and with that comes all of the other ways you can pick up Metro Exodus before launch February 22nd is still a ways off, but now you can make sure you secure your copy of Metro Exodus well in advance. That is right. The pre-orders for the game have gone up and 4A Games is ready for you to throw down your cash and prove to Deep Silver that the game will bring the money back in. Not that anyone had much of a worry about that just yet. We just needed a fancier way of saying that the pre-orders are out there for Metro Exodus and that there will be a few different options for said pre-order. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 6/25/18 — 6/29/18
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of June 2018 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week We have successfully made it through yet another week and a whole lot more to look at for all of the various video games coming out there. We were also able to wrap more of the coverage we had for E3 with Control and Just Cause 4 rounding things out a bit. We also had a chance to dig into some of those other video games out there that we happened to miss on the show floor like The Sinking City. Not to mention that we were also able to get out a review for Jurassic World Evolution out there to you all in the mix. Read More...
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New Gameplay For Metro Exodus Is Here To Explain Even More
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of June 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus Even more gameplay for Metro Exodus is here from E3 and this bit explains a bit more than some of us did not get to experience in Metro Exodus so far If there is a true testament to how large the world of Metro Exodus and how vast the gameplay mechanics are in the game, it has to be with this latest showing of gameplay that we have here today. I was personally able to sit down and give the game a bit of a play a few weeks ago and see just what 4A Games had for us and, while impressed, apparently I missed out a whole lot given the different variations we all could have gone. That is why it is nice for Deep Silver to have a few more of these gameplay videos cut that highlight even more of the demo shown at E3 for Metro Exodus as I know I totally missed them all. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 6/18/18 — 6/22/18
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of June 2018 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week It has been another great week and there has been a lot of video games to go over since E3 2018 ended. We still have even more that we have to talk about and bring to you next week, so hopefully you are not tired of it all just yet. How could you be with the great look at Cyberpunk 2077 we all had, the expansion of news for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, and a deeper look at Overkill’s The Walking Dead. Of course, not to discount the other video games out there like Mutant Year Zero and such. Read More...
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E3 Hands On — Metro Exodus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of June 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus While at E3, I was able to see Metro Exodus in a more intimate setting than just a trailer. Here is my take on Metro Exodus. After all the plagues of delays, I was finally able to get my hands on Metro Exodus this year out at E3 and see how the game has advanced over its predecessors. Sure, we have seen quite a few interesting trailers in the past and a few tech demos where 4A Games has shown off the game's engine, but graphics do not make a game. It makes it look pretty and in a game like Metro Exodus it helps with the immersion, but it is not the sole reason to give the game a chance. Read More...
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Metro Exodus Has Been Delayed Just A Bit But It Could Be A Good Thing
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of May 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus A slight delay for Metro Exodus is set out there and now we will not be seeing Metro Exodus until early 2019 instead of late 2018 Do not expect to see Metro Exodus anytime this year, at least in its final form, as it has now been quietly delayed. I say quietly as there was not a huge announcement or statement out there from 4A Games or Deep Silver on it not hitting the PS4, Xbox One, or PC in late 2018 and now aiming for Q1 2019. No, this update was kind of slipped into the middle of the full statement on the parent company's earnings report. Something that a casual fan who is excited for Metro Exodus may have missed but, thankfully, you have us out there skimming through it all and catching it. Read More...
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Metro Exodus Will Have Some Spectacular Real-Time Ray Tracing
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of March 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus A new GDC demo for Metro Exodus has released and it gives us a new look at an old area to show how Metro Exodus will use RTX technology in game As if there was a doubt before that Metro Exodus was going to be the best-looking title in the line of titles so far, we have a new tech demo fresh from GDC that shows us just how amazing the game can look. This all comes from a collaboration between 4A Games and NVidia to use their new RTX technology in the 4A Engine. Yes, I know that sounds like a lot of technobabble for some gamers out there but it does all tie back into Metro Exodus. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 2/12/18 — 2/16/18
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 17th of February 2018 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week There goes another week of video games in the books and there was so much to cover it was a bit overwhelming. At least it was on our side of the coin and maybe not for you. We enjoyed it all, but I am sure you had more enjoyment with the Kingdom Hearts III confirmations and all of the new stuff coming to Friday The 13th: The Game here in the coming weeks or months. We also had some great new rumors for a few video games out there including a possible new Spyro game in the mix. Read More...
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New Screenshots For Metro Exodus Are Here To Impress & Depress
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of February 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus A new batch of screenshots from Metro Exodus are out there now and they show us just how the Moscow of Metro Exodus has changed since we last saw it A little more for Metro Exodus has seeped out there to entice us a bit more and get us further excited for the game. I mean, why else would these all be out there besides that? 4A Games has been working on it for a while now and I know I am excited to see where it all goes. I know I am not the only one out there, which is why we are bringing you a few more screenshots for Metro Exodus here today even though Deep Silver gave the exclusive "first" to a different site. Read More...
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Metro Exodus Will Have A Much Larger World Than Previous Titles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of February 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus The size and scope of Metro Exodus has been revealed in a new interview and it looks like Metro Exodus will be taking the franchise into much larger territories We have some new coverage here for Metro Exodus and while it may not be confirming any of the past rumors we had, it does take us into some new places for the franchise and here it is all about the size of the game. Not how long it will take us to play and beat the final version of the game, but how big the world that 4A Games is going to be taking us into will actually be. That and what to expect now that Metro Exodus will be taking us all out of the tunnels and caves but out into the open world and traveling across the decimated Russian landscape. Read More...
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All Hope May Not Be Lost In Metro Exodus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of December 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Metro Exodus A new trailer for Metro Exodus shows how hope may not be lost in the game's universe and also maybe the release date for Metro Exodus During The Game Awards we had a nice new look at Metro Exodus and a bit more of how the game's world has progressed from where we last left it and all of the horrors that laid within. Things have always been bleak in the world that 4A Games has brought to life in this FPS, but this latest trailer looks to give us all a little bit of hope. At least that seems to be the theme here in this trailer and whether or not that is true, we at least get a fun new look at Metro Exodus and just what is going on. Read More...
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