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The Problems With Exclusives
by Greg Tatterfield [ Tuesday, 21st of August 2012 - 05:40 PM ]
Have you ever missed out on a hot new release game because you didn’t own the right console? It has probably happened to all of us one time or another due to a console exclusive. Console exclusives act as an ace in the hole for most companies when they market a console. This is a very common trend in the game industry that hurts not only the consumer but also the developers. By only releasing on one console its locks out the other half of gamers who only may own one console and limits the sale margin for said game. Console exclusives isolate the gaming community by splitting it in half. Read More...
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Tom Clancy Presents... More Ways To Take Your Money
by Kevin [ Thursday, 5th of November 2009 - 02:20 AM ]
Ubisoft isn't satisfied with having several high profile titles on the way, nor are they satisfied with simply releasing a game like Splinter Cell: Conviction - no, they key is releasing an edition with such an amount of assuredly irresistible goodness that you can't help buy commit heart and soul to the product. Is that the case here? Take a look. Read More...
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Get an exclusive Lancer from Amazon!
by Sam [ Friday, 8th of August 2008 - 03:09 PM ]
Amazon is doing pre-orders for exclusive Gears of War 2 Lancers and will be shipped out November 7th, the same day as Gears of War 2. The price is $139.99 and will come with the single edition of Gears 2 for free. Or you can upgrade to the limited edition for an extra $10. If someone wants to order me it I'd gladly appreciate it. :) Read More...
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by Stephanie Naboshek [ Saturday, 7th of June 2008 - 04:26 AM ]
What person hasn't thought about breaking a world record at least once in their lifetime? I remember as a kid - the Guinness books were the ones most often checked out at our schools library, so when the chance arose to finally be in the book itself, I was more excited than a fat kid in a cake factory (no offense to any of you fat kids ;p ). Every year thousands of people gather at the Dallas based anime convention, A-KON in a weekend that can only be described as PEACE, LOVE and POCKY. This year's convention though seemly the same, had one major difference - Guinness Book of World Records was there to witness our world-record breaking skills at work! Read More...
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