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Review: Splinter Cell Conviction
by Kevin [ Tuesday, 27th of April 2010 - 03:22 PM ]
I've never tried to hide the fact that I was not the biggest Splinter Cell fan. The exploits of one Mr. Fisher never struck me as the most engaging, no matter how polished the series might have been. There was nothing about the character that made me want to be a part of the world, so imagine my surprise when I discovered that what made me want to explore the game’s mythology was the dehumanization of Sam Fisher. I think the cover definitely serves as a metaphor for the changing of style and approach with this title. Fisher has lost his daughter and along with her, he’s lost his fragile grip on the world around him. Read More...
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Tom Clancy Presents... More Ways To Take Your Money
by Kevin [ Thursday, 5th of November 2009 - 02:20 AM ]
Ubisoft isn't satisfied with having several high profile titles on the way, nor are they satisfied with simply releasing a game like Splinter Cell: Conviction - no, they key is releasing an edition with such an amount of assuredly irresistible goodness that you can't help buy commit heart and soul to the product. Is that the case here? Take a look. Read More...
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Splinter Cell Conviction delayed.............. again
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 28th of July 2009 - 02:28 PM ]
Splinter Cell Conviction, surprise surprise, has been pushed back, again. Having been slightly delayed from its Holidays 2007 release date, it can't hurt to be pushed back again, can it? This year's E3 gameplay of SCC was downright amazing (I did give it my best of show). I was surprised at everything from how detailed the graphics were to how realistic the AI reacted. It did seem like a complete package. Ubisoft, however, sees otherwise and has delayed the game back to March of 2010. Read More...
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