Mafia 2, Lost Planet 2, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Split Second, Dante's Inferno, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2, Crysis 2, All Points Bulletin, Dead to Rights Retribution, Singularity, ModNation Racers, I Am Alive, Ghost Recon 4, Red Steel 2 all have tenative March 2010 release dates (although I'd like to wager that only a few of these games actually come out in March) which potentially makes for the biggest gaming month in the history of mankind.
Splinter Cell Conviction will see Sam Fisher, now retired from Third Echelon, investigating and eventually tracking down the murderer of his daughter (who died in a "drunk driving accident", which turns out not to be an accident, during Splinter Cell Double Agent). The E3 demo was fairly complete and it showed off the great mixture of stealth and action as well as the intuitive objectives display and the awesomesauce mark and execute feature, it truly did seem like a winner. It's a shame that the game got pushed back again, but let's be honest, are we really surprised?