It is a known fact that if a game is multiplatform it will sell more units. One of the greatest examples of this is the Call Of Duty franchise which makes million of dollars and breaks records. Now look at Halo and the Gears Of War series. Which are two more popular shooters that are only released on XBox 360. Even though these games are popular they don’t come close to the sales of Call Of Duty. Some may argue that that is not the case but you have to think that if Halo and Gears Of War have been multiplatform it may be a different story. The only way to really find out if Halo or Gears Of War would sell more then Call Of Duty is to make them multiplatform and let everyone play. However it's very unlikely these games would ever appear on any other system then XBox.
Unfortunately games are not the only things that are console exclusives. Some games even have exclusive DLC or content. Why can't all platforms get all the content? You pay $60 for a game and still do not to get everything. One of the worst cases is Capcom going as far as putting DLC on the disk. With Street Fighter X Tekken the DLC was put right on the disk which couldn’t be accessed until you paid for the DLC. If the content is on the disk I should not have to pay extra to use it. So basically you were just paying to unlock the extra content, which should have been included with the $60 price tag. There have been quite a few games to have exclusive content. The upcoming Assassin's Creed III is said to have an exclusive hour of content on the PS3 that can’t be found on other systems. Need For Speed The Run had a bunch of cars only found on PS3. Mortal Kombat got Kratos as an exclusive fighter on PS3. While XBox got nothing. Even Tomb Raider was announced to have exclusive content on XBox and that doesn’t even release till next year. Another issue is timed DLC. Grand Theft Auto 4 had downloadable episodes that did not come to other consoles till well after release. In fact it took so long that people thought it would only be only on XBox 360. One of the worst cases of this is the Call Of Duty franchise. XBox 360 has received all the DLC a month early since COD 4. Because of a contract that Activison has with Microsoft. This not only makes for angry fans but it also splits up their community. There is no reason to sell out just to make extra money at the expense of the fans. There is no sign of stopping because it was already announced at E3 that all Black Ops 2 DLC will go to XBox 360 first. What makes this even worst for COD fans is even if you buy an Elite membership on any system other then XBox you will still have to wait. Non-elite players on XBox get the content first before elite players on other consoles. The fans should always come first and these practices should be eliminated.
So why are exclusives done? The short answer is money. Companies want to lock down hot developers and franchises to only appear on their consoles to entice potential customers. I feel like there should be more multiplatform games so that the whole gaming industry can have the same experiences from great developers. I believe that there should be no console exclusives. The consoles should speak for themselves instead of the game’s influence. What I mean by that is people should be able to pick a console based on its features. All the consoles offer different features and options. People should not have to worry about missing out on a hot game if they buy the wrong console. The sad fact is that it is unavoidable if you don’t buy all the systems. Unfortunately there are no sign of exclusives going away any time soon. Big companies are always going to put that extra buck above gamers. There is just not much can be done about it. The gaming industry stopped being about the fans long ago. The only thing companies care about now is money. These companies should care more about the fans because they are the reason for their success. I only hope that someday companies will start caring about the thing that really matters the fans that make up the gaming community. What are you opinions? Leave your comments below. I would love to hear your feedback find me on Twitter my handle is aggrounder. You can also find me on Pwned with the name underground.