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Gerda: A Flame In Winter — Announcement
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of January 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Gerda Check out the new trailer for Gerda: A Flame In Winter that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Gerda: A Flame In Winter is a casual story-driven title for the Switch and PC coming from PortaPlay Gaming and DontNod in 2022.   Gerda: A Flame In Winter — Announcement DontNod and PortaPlay Gaming are thrilled to present Gerda: A Flame In Winter — a brand-new narrative game coming to Nintendo Switch and PC in 2022! Denmark, February 1945. You are Gerda Larsen, a countryside nurse, with a German father and a Danish mother and live a quiet life with your husband Anders despite the war going on around you. Read More...
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It Is Time To Mix The Two Worlds Of Twin Mirror
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of December 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Twin Mirror The launch of Twin Mirror is here and we get one more chance to discover more of the truth behind Twin Mirror now Twin Mirror is finally here as December 1st is upon us and the game has launched on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. A nice smattering of platforms to experience it all on if I do say so. Something that I am sure DontNod is glad to have to as it looks like this new and twisted world they have built needs to be seen by as many gamers out there as possible. Not that I think anyone would disagree at this point as Twin Mirror has been offering up an interesting take on the investigation style game. Read More...
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Twin Mirror Has A Release Date Before The End Of This Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of September 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Twin Mirror The release date for Twin Mirror is set down here with us seeing Twin Mirror out there before the end of December Here we go with another game set down to release for us before the end of the year with Twin Mirror getting laid down for December 1st now. That is still a good clip away from when we get to see it on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC but just one more title to look forward to. Especially with how DontNod has been with all of their titles out there and it looks like Twin Mirror might be adding into that mix. It does not look like it will be the usual episodic bit but still one of those things that will have our choices have some impact. Read More...
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Tell Me Why’s First Chapter Is Coming To Us In August
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of July 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Tell Me Why The first chapter for Tell Me Why is coming to us in August and we get a little more on what the story of Tell Me Why is about One more title that made a lot of noise during the big Xbox Briefing was Tell Me Why. Not that it was a new announcement for the Xbox One and PC but that we have a release date for the first chapter of the story that DontNod has for us. They are quickly becoming one of the other masters of telling episodic stories here and Tell Me Why is showing off all they have learned over the years. Now we will get to see all of that come to fruition on August 27th. Read More...
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Here Is A Closer Look At The Collector’s Edition For Life Is Strange 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of November 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange A new look at the Collector’s Edition for Life Is Strange 2 is here with all of the fun goodies expected for Life Is Strange 2 Just in time before the final episode of Life Is Strange 2 drops on us comes a new look at the Collector’s Edition of the game for those that want a physical form of it all. Not a bad thing, but odd for some of us to wait this long instead of enjoying what DontNod has been dropping thus far. No judgment, but all the judgment. Read More...
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Tell Me Why Is The Next Episodic Title Coming From DontNod
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of November 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Tell Me Why During X019 this year, Tell Me Why was announced with Tell Me Why being the next episodic story to delve into some deeper themes than normal I do hope that we are all about to be ready for another episodic title to come at us, as we have a new one announced with Tell Me Why. This one comes out of the recent X019 event that took place where DontNod made the announcement that the game was coming to the Xbox One and PC via Steam in the Summer of 2020. Thankfully, we can also read that as the whole experience for Tell Me Why will be coming in the Summer of 2020 as it has been announced with it that each episode will flow out during that time and not over the course of the year. That is a great start for those looking to have a nice and interesting experience. Read More...
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Daniel’s Education Is A Tricky One Throughout Life Is Strange 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of November 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange It is better explained how Daniel’s actions are swayed in Life Is Strange 2 just a bit before the final episode of Life Is Strange 2 drops on us all In just under a month, we will all be treated to the conclusion of Life Is Strange 2 and see just how all of our choices have shaped the story and forced the brothers through their harrowing journey. Those playing along have known it to be one crazy ride thus far and we are almost to the end of it. I guess this is why DontNod has opted to release out there just how our choices in the game have shaped this story. Read More...
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How Far Will We Go In The Fourth Episode Of Life Is Strange 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of August 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange The fourth episode for Life Is Strange 2 is here and we have a new trailer to try to show how far things have gone in Life Is Strange 2 so far It feels like we have been waiting forever for this, but the fourth episode for Life Is Strange 2 is finally here and ready for us to continue on the fun journey we have been on for a while now. The last episode dropped on us back in May of this year, so there may be a whole lot of recapping that needs to be done by DontNod for it all. I am sure there will be at least the basics from the start. Read More...
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Twin Mirror Has Been Delayed Until 2020 Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of June 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Twin Mirror After a new agreement for Twin Mirror, the game has been delayed with Twin Mirror now aiming for a release in 2020 If you had your hopes on playing Twin Mirror before the end of this year, let me dash those all to pieces. It looks like we are all going to have to wait until 2020 now to get our hands on the game as DontNod has pushed it back until next year. Sorry to say it for those who have been chomping at the bit for Twin Mirror based on the little that we have seen thus far. It looks like a fun concept and maybe fun gameplay, but it is hard to get upset at this point as we knew so little before now. Read More...
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A Normal Life Is Lost To The Wastelands In Life Is Strange 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of May 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange The trailer for the third episode of Life Is Strange 2 is here as we see Daniel start to walk a dark path in the world of Life Is Strange Our journey continues in Life Is Strange 2 on May 9th, next Thursday for those keeping track, and it looks like things have gone all kinds of crazy in the story. Not as if DontNod did not already have some crazy shit going on in the story and game's world, but it does look like things are getting crazier. At least as Sean and Daniel are concerned here in the latest trailer for the game. Read More...
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Life Is Strange 2 Teases Us All With Some Special Kind Of Fun
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of April 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange A new teaser for Life Is Strange 2's third episode shows the cast of Life Is Strange 2 heading into a special kind of nettle field Color me surprised that we did not get more of these kinds of trailers like the one we have here for the next episode of Life Is Strange 2. That being ones that try to dive into the made-up holiday to celebrate the 20th of April. It looks like DontNod did not want to be left out of it all as we await the third episode of the game and see how everything will progress for the boys. It looks like it will take a smelly path given the setting of Life Is Strange 2, but with little to no context in it all. Read More...
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Life Is Strange 2 Has A New Release Schedule Laid Out For The Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of March 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange The release date for the third episode of Life Is Strange 2 is set with the rest of the season of Life Is Strange 2 laid out for us The wait for the next episode of Life Is Strange 2 has been a long one and it looks like we will be waiting even longer for the third episode to drop out there in the wild. We now have the release date for that episode and it looks like DontNod plans to have it all ready for us on May 9th. That is quite a ways out there for those of us who have been captured by the story so far and want to keep going with it. Read More...
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Learn The Rules For The Next Episode Of Life Is Strange 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of January 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange The next episode of Life Is Strange 2 is almost here and we have a new trailer to see how it builds into the larger Life Is Strange universe In just a few days we will be able to continue the journey of Life Is Strange 2 as the next episode drops on January 24th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This is something many of us have been looking forward to but have yet to see much of as DontNod only put out a live action recreation of the final scene from the last episode to announce all of this. While it was cool, it did not get us all the look at this episode of Life Is Strange 2 that we were hoping for. Read More...
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Life Is Strange 2’s Next Episode Has A Solid Release Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of December 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange The release date for Life Is Strange 2’s second episode has been set and we get to rewatch a live version of an iconic scene from Life Is Strange 2 now We have been waiting for the next episode for Life Is Strange 2 for a bit now and last we heard it was coming in January at some point. Nothing had been set in stone as DontNod tried to get the game to a place where it would meet our ever-demanding standard when it comes to our games. Especially with an IP like Life Is Strange, we are going to be critical and thankfully, Square Enix let them take that extra time. Read More...
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The Next Episode For Life Is Strange 2 Is Slated For January
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 29th of November 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Life Is Strange There has been a little bit of a delay for Life Is Strange 2's next episode but we will see ourselves in the world of Life Is Strange again soon If you were hoping to be able to play the next episode for Life Is Strange 2 here in December, it is time to get ready for a bit of a letdown. It does not look like we will see a new episode drop around this month as it looks like DontNod needs a bit more time to get it all done. Sad news, sure, but the wait will not be too great as it looks like we will be seeing it land in January of 2019. Read More...
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