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It Is Almost Time For The Ultimate Target In Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of September 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Dishonored It is time to find out if Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider will actually have you kill Dishonored's favorite morally ambiguous character, The Outsider In just a few days we will all be treated to Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This is the expansion coming from Arkane Studios for the franchise that will be building off the story of Billie Lurk and Daud and their new goal to kill the Outsider. I guess the title of the game kind of states all of that, but given that this is another Dishonored title, the killing of the Outsider is just an option we can take. At least that is the takeaway from the recent interview clip that Bethesda has just released as we all wait for September 15th to come around. Read More...
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Let's Do The Impossible & Kill A God In Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of August 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Dishonored The first gameplay trailer for Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider is here and we get to see how we are tackling this new Dishonored standalone DLC During the big E3 event from Bethesda we heard that we were getting Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider to continue on the story as we all wanted. There isn't much more of a wait as we can see it on our PS4, Xbox One, or PC on September 15th but it would be nice to see what Arkane Studios has crafted so far to get us all hyped up for it. Gameplay for an upcoming title, or expansion, or DLC (or whatever this can be considered for the Dishonored universe as it is a standalone thing but not a full game), is always welcome to help us get a feel for it all and that is what we have here today. Read More...
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Get Ready To Fight The Invasion As Prey Is About To Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of May 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Prey The latest trailer for Prey has been released and shows us even more gameplay that the Prey demo has yet to offer all to get us excited Only a few more days and we'll be playing Prey in its full and final version. Well as final as it can be as of May 5th as there is already word of a day one patch going to be needed from Arkane Studios to make sure the game is running and top performance, but that seems to be the norm nowadays given the certification process for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of games. I guess technically the PC versions as well as I am sure that Bethesda already had those physical versions of Prey put to disc, if they still do that, and that Steam has its own way to handle updates instead of them just pushing it all out. None the less, we have here today what will most likely be the final trailer for Prey before it launches on this Friday. Read More...
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Oh, The Things That We Can Recycle In Prey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of April 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Prey A new trailer for Prey has been released to celebrate Earth Day but it also shows everything in Prey that we should be able to recycle and then some This may not be the biggest update for Prey that we may have had in a while, nor is this really a solid update when all is said and done. If you take a moment though to look at how Arkane Studios helped to celebrate Earth Day this year, you may be able to see some interesting things mixed in. Specifically because this fun video for Prey is all about the items and objects around Talos I that we should be able to recycle and turn into other useful things on the ship. If you look even closer, it looks like there may be a few things outside of the ship that we should be able to recycle but we'll get to that in a moment and then hopefully see it all on May 5th when it launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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It Is Time For A Guided Tour Of Prey's Talos I Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of April 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Prey Another new video for Prey has been released and it takes us for a tour through Prey's main space station in the game, the Talos I May 5th is almost here and that means that Prey is also about to land on our PS4, Xbox One, or PC depending on which is your chosen platform. Over the course of the last few months we've seen and heard a lot about the game from Arkane Studios and today is not going to be any different. Well, it will be different as today isn't about the weapons or the aliens or the mechanics of Prey. No, it is all about the Talos I and just how it came to be. Read More...
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We'll Be Getting A Face Full Of Prey Just Before Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of April 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Prey Just before Prey officially launches we will be able to play the opening hour of Prey to get a better feel for if we will want the game If for some reason you have not been sold on Prey as of yet, it looks like there is going to be another great stab at that to get you to make the purchase. It looks like Bethesda is setting up an hour long demo of the game for us all to try for free just before launch. That's right, you'll be able to give Prey a solid try before you officially settle in to give Arkane Studios' new title a purchase or if the game isn't for you. Read More...
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It's Time To Try Out Some Of Prey's New Toys & Hardware
by Julia Schoebel [ Tuesday, 4th of April 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Prey Another trailer for Prey is here and this one goes over all the fun gadgets and gear we'll have to play with in Prey when it launches Another week and another video here for Prey. With May 5th quickly approaching, I know I still have many questions and things I want to see from Arkane Studios and it looks like they are going to deliver it all right up until the launch. Well, at least as much as Bethesda will let them until then. For now though it looks like we have another great look at Prey and the weapons and gear that we will be using here soon to take down the Typhon that are plaguing our ship. Read More...
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Prey Is Now Letting Us Play With Power…s
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 31st of March 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Prey New details on Prey's alien powers and human upgrades are here and it shows just how in Prey we will be playing with more power As we mentioned earlier in the week, Prey was slated to get a few new videos to look at to go over the alien powers and upgrades that we could jam into Yu's eyes. We've already seen a nice smattering of them all already but just when you though that Arkane Studios has shown them all, they have a few more in the wings waiting to be seen. Now we get to see them and hopefully not all for Prey here as we still need some surprises come May 5th and hopefully Bethesda is going to reel it all in to make sure we aren't left wanting but also don't know it all. That is the hope at least. Read More...
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It's Time To Montage Prey's Weapons And Typhon Powers
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of March 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Prey A new showcasing of Prey's different weapons and powers is here to show you the stuff we have yet to see for Prey so far We've seen a whole lot of the weapons and powers for Prey so far but it has seemed a bit limited. I assumed that was due to the fact that Arkane Studios wanted to keep a lot of it under wraps until May 5th when we'll all be playing the game on our PS4, Xbox One, or PC. Looks like I was wrong. Not in the aspect that we have seen it all already, but in the fact that Bethesda has brought us one more video here for Prey that showcases more of the powers and weapons in the game that we will be using. Read More...
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Find Out More On Just Who Prey's Morgan Yu Really Is
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of March 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Prey A new developer diary for Prey is out and it dives right into Prey's protagonist, who they are and why they are going through the hell that they do in the game By now we all know that we will be playing our own version of Morgan Yu in Prey so we can be fully immersed. Arkane Studios has given us the option to play as male or female in the game and all without sacrificing any of the story for one or the other. Pretty nice even though Prey is a FPS and we'll only really see the character's hands in this regard, but there are a few scenes and tidbits that will show off the gender. You know, because this is something that is truly needed to be a focus instead of just telling an amazing story. Read More...
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Typhon Research Has Begun In Prey & Here Are Some Of The Findings
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of March 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Prey Have a look at three of Prey's Typhon aliens in action along with how they may function in Prey and how we will be able to handle them in the long run We've seen them a bit already in Prey but now it looks like it is time to have a better breakdown of the alien creatures, known as Typhon, for the game. Well, at least three of them for now even though we see four in the list, but maybe that was just Arkane Studios suggesting that one is really just the "cocoon" of sorts to build to the others. I'm sure we'll know more soon or at least on May 5th when Prey launches out there. Read More...
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Even More Gameplay For Prey Has Been Shown Off At PAX East
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of March 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Prey Another long bit of gameplay for Prey has been released but this time we get to see some of Prey's alien abilities mixed into it all Hopefully you are ready for a whole lot of new gameplay for Prey as that is what we have here for us all to digest. Well, some of it is new as the first bit is filled with the gameplay that Arkane Studios has already shown us all before, but thankfully there is a bit more than we've had before. There is still more to see for Prey before May 5th of course, but given that Bethesda was out at the con to show it all off, the amount still in hiding has been dwindled a little more. Especially since now we have the chance to see some of the alien powers in action for the first time. Read More...
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Mimics Are Everywhere In Prey And We Will Add To The Madness
by Jana Lass [ Thursday, 23rd of February 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Prey A new gameplay video for Prey has released to showcase how we can use the powers of the Mimics in Prey to get around the game and survive One could say that once you've seen one of Prey's mimics in action then you've seen them all. That one person would be wrong as mimic can look and act like anything, but it gets even more compounded by the fact that Arkane Studios has also given us all the ability to do the same in the game through one of the first powers we unlock in the game. We've seen the enemies use it before but now we get to see just how we will get to handle it in Prey and it looks like it could be something truly silly or something that could save our lives in the game. Something that seems to be the case in all of Bethesda's titles now doesn't it? Read More...
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Prey Gets A Nice Long Bit Of Gameplay To Spoil The Opening Of The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of February 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Prey The first hour of Prey has been played out there and now we have some great Prey gameplay chunks to see just how the game opens and handles There are still many months until Prey is officially released, May 5th is still the date, but it seems that Arkane Studios couldn't hold back from giving out some sweet demo action for us all. A nice hour long section of demo for the game at that and it is filled with a whole lot of what the game is going to bring to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Well at least as much as the people over at Bethesda wanted to give out to us for Prey so far but still that means that we all get a nice look at the current state of the game and to see how it is truly holding up from the predecessor's fame. Read More...
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Prey Has A Release Date For Us To Set Our Eyes On Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of January 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Prey The release date for Prey has been set and we also have a nice new look at Prey's gameplay as we wait for May to inch ever so closer The date has been set for Prey now and it looks like we can add another video game into the mix of things in May now. Yep, it looks like Arkane Studios will be wrapping up everything to get the game out to us on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 5th here. That seems to be a nice date range for so many other video games out there and now Prey joins the ranks. Then we can see just how the "reboot" of the IP will pan out for Bethesda and this fairly successful developer they have tasked with it all. Read More...
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