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Enjoy Gaming In 3D
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 03:57 PM ]
Wii Head Tracking powers new 3D game Not the most creative of titles, but, well...whatever. A long while back, before we had the Narticle section, I posted a bunch of things about the Wii and PS-Eye head tracking systems that people are working on. They were just basic tracking things that would move just some dots or basic targets on the screen depending on where your head is. The Wii had a set of glasses for this. They looked very clunky and a lot like the old VR goggles of yore. Read More…
Tags: Wii, VR, Headset
Best Buy's Wii for Women In-Store Event
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 12:10 AM ]
Ladies, Best Buy is holding a Wii for Women In-Store Event this coming Sunday. On Sunday, March 30th, Best Buy will host the event from 1pm-4pm. Those who attend will have a chance to win a good size amount of prizes which include a Wii console, GPS Unit, or a spa gift card (6 gift cards per store). These prizes will come from a random drawing throughout the day. See Best Buy stores that are participating by clicking here. Read More…
Tags: Best Buy
Playstation Store accounts may have been hacked
by Trina [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 10:04 PM ]
Sony has released a statement on the US Playstation website stating that there is a "possibility" that there has been unauthorized access to personal information in the Playstat store through the PC. The Playstation Store seems to have been hacked to allow them to view personal information and/or use the wallet. Which means I need to check my PSN to see if I've been charged for a few games. Here is Sony's statement: "We have found out that there has been a possibility of unauthorized access to personal information on the PLAYSTATION®Store through PCs, a content download service of the PLAYSTATION®Network. Read More…
OZFortress TF2 Fun
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 09:01 PM ]
OZFortress is proud to announce that the sign-ups for Ultimate Duo 2 will be open from Thursday 27th of March @ 8:00 PM AEDT through to Saturday 29th @ 8:00 PM AEDT. The first round of matches will begin on Tuesday 1st April and the finals will be held on Thursday 3rd. You can read this announcement in full (including all the rules) and find the addresses of the OZFortress practice servers on their website. Read More…
Killzone 2 Due Out In September?
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 08:56 PM ]
 Eurogamer reports that Killzone 2, the long awaited PS3 sci-fi first person shooter from developer, is now scheduled for release this September. Read More…
WoW Mets Latin
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 08:55 PM ]
WOW SALSA 101 This Blizzard press release announces that their hit MMO title World of Warcraft will be released in Latin America for the first time. The Latin American localization will be based on the existing European Spanish version but will feature entirely re-recorded in-game speech. This new version of the game will be rolled out in select markets throughout Latin America starting in the first half of 2008 and will also be available to Spanish-speaking players in the US and Canada at that time. A dedicated Spanish-speaking team is being assembled at the Blizzard Entertainment offices in Irvine, California and Austin, Texas to ensure that Spanish-speaking World of Warcraft players based in North and South America will receive high-quality 24/7 support in Spanish. Positions are currently open on the company’s customer service, quality assurance, community relations, and web teams, and a new official website for the game’s North and South America-based Spanish-speaking players is in development. Read More…
Tags: Latin, WOW
Are you addicted to the Internet or Gaming?
by Trina [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 07:26 PM ]
Dr. Jerald Block has written an editorial where he states why he believes that Internet Addiction should be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). Dr. Block is not new to this issue though, he owns a patent on technology that can be used to restrict computer access. Most of us can be on the net or gaming a fair amount of the day. Just look at sites like Youtube, iJustin, and Twitter (tons of others) that are predicated on people just surfing and hanging out on their computer. Read More…
They just don't give up, do they?
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 07:18 PM ]
In light of the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto IV, I figured I'd deliver you all some more updates on EA's attempt to buy out Take-Two!Earlier this year EA attempted put out a bid on Take-Two, parent company to Rockstar and 2K games, and were rejected. After trying to make a bid again last month, EA once again ups it's anny and puts out yet another bid out on Take-Two. And once again - they got rejected!Although the press release on T2's site is pretty much written in Wall Street-lingo wrapped in an abundance of legal mumbo-jumbo, I was able to gather some details: -EA has upped it's offer to $26 a share for stock-holders of Take-Two. Read More…
$10,000 And A Trip To Liberty City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 05:03 PM ]
GameStop's Grand Theft Auto IV Contest Could you use 10K? I know I could. I could also take a trip to NY again. You can get in on possibly getting this just by going to the GameStop site, link below, and either entering in via their web site or by texting your answer to the question they have on the site. Either will get you into the running. You can also pre-order the game if you haven't already. Read More…
He's Not Racist
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 03:57 PM ]
Resident Evil 5 Famitsu Trailer Finally some new information about Resident Evil 5. Well not really information, unless you understand Japanese. But for those of you that do not, the above video shows some of the behind the scenes and making of the game. On top of all that, you can actually watch the game play on the XBox in the video. At least that's what I am making the assumption of, since he is using the XBox controller. It looks very promising after watching this. Read More…
New SwitchBlade Software
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 04:41 AM ]
SwitchBlade Gaming now offers a new version 3.0.2 of their software that offers enhanced use of Xbox 360 controllers under Windows. The new version adds Call of Duty 2 and 4 support. Read More…
Tags: 360, Windows
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 04:20 AM ]
I WILL KILLS YOU Thanks Kotaku Another sad day in game history as to all the suckers who purchased the first Bullet Proof you will get suckered into purchasing yet a even worse copy.  Vivendi shipping well over a million copies of 50 Cent: Bulletproof to over a million suckers with crap taste in shooters, a sequel was expected. According to a cover snap of the latest issue of EGM, 50 Cent II, as we're calling it now, is reality. It's getting the "first look" preview treatment in next month's mag, something for which we're sure the boys at EGM were gentlemanly enough to feign interest in for a well-deserved exclusive. Read More…
Tags: 50 cents
Killer Entry on
by Alyssa Porter [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 08:30 PM ]
Vote in the red star HERE is a site dedicated to scouring the Internet looking for the most innovative and interesting new websites and it just so happens that got our very own article! The community is growing very large, very quickly, and all this support by our members and other sites is very much appreciated! Support our site by leaving comments, digging narticles, and voting for us on other sites like killerstartups! The more votes, the more noticeable we are, so get out there and show your support! Read More…
An $85 Dollar Bill
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 07:46 PM ]
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition So, once again, I'm trolling through the interwebs again and find another fun tidbit to share with my friends here. EB Games is, of course, taking Pre-orders for the new MGS game. We all knew it. But we all might not have known is what comes in the limited bundle. Well here ya go. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 in collectible metal box. Read More…
Sony brand in music video
by Trina [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 06:10 PM ]
Wyclef Jean must be a gamer, because he used Burnout Paradise, a Playstation 3 and a PSP in his latest video for "Fast Car". Jean and other characters use the consoles to drive the storyline. "When you're on tour, you have plenty of time, and every artist I know spends time on a tour bus with two things: PlayStation(R) and the recording studio," Jean said. "The PlayStation brand and Burnout Paradise fit perfectly with my vision for the 'Fast Car' music video. 'Fast Car' is like life -- the pace of life is moving so fast, where you can burn yourselves out at times. Read More…
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