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Team Fortress 2 Update Released
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 04:46 PM ]
Team Fortress 2 Updated versions of CP_Dustbowl, CP_Badlands, and CTF_Well with several exploit fixes Fixed Linux build not handling FCVAR_REPLICATED and FCVAR_NOTIFY cvars correctly Plugged an exploit where the server could send executable code to the client Fix client crash on exit while processing game stats Updated the Stats Summary screen to remember your previous selections each time you open the menu and while changing levels Added mp_stalemate_at_timelimit ConVar for server admin to allow SuddenDeath when mp_timelimit hits on non-Valve maps Updated CTF mode to remember the player who stole the intelligence from the enemy base and reward that player if the flag is captured by someone else Replace underscores in map names with spaces so custom maps with names like cp_gravel_pit will show as "GRAVEL PIT" Hitting F4 while the tournament mode "Ready" countdown is active won't automatically set a team to "Not Ready" Fixed auto-screenshots not being taken at the end of the map during tournament mode Fixed gates being closed during the pre-round time during tournament mode Fixed GetDynamicBaseline crash Fixed rare animation triggered sound crash Restart your Steam client or launch the game to begin the updating process. Read More…
Nerd Up Your Cellphone!
by [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 10:31 AM ]
Maybe not quite a news article, but I recently got my new motorola razr and instantly knew what I wanted to do: nerdy themes. But I couldn't pick just one aspect of nerdom to apply to my phone! So, I made a few different themes and thought I'd share them with the community to use as well. I have no idea how to package themes for download, so below are the images I made/resized for wallpaper and screensaver usage and the links to free mp3 shorts that can be used as ringtones. Enjoy! Read More…
Interview With Joel "FPS Doug" Gardiner
by Alyssa Porter [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 01:01 AM ]
This is my Interveiw I sent to Joel "FPS Doug" Gardiner, who played a main role in the Pure Pwange Series. 1. How did you get involved with Pure Pwnage? I’ve been long time friends with the producers Jarett Cale and Geoff Lapaire for many years. We had worked together on some small filming projects before here in Calgary. They were both out in Toronto by the time the series started taking off and wanted to start bringing in more characters. They knew I had the perfect look and ability to pull off a crazy frag fanatic fps player, so the next time Jarett was back in Calgary, me and him filmed the very first fpsdoug segment. Read More…
More Good HD-DVD News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 06:24 PM ]
Best Buy Is Onboard With Reimbursing For HD Ok, so 2 weeks ago I mentioned about how Circuit City is helping those who got shafted with an HD player. Click Here to read. But it looks like Best Buy is going to hook up the cut as well, and then some. I love to see how one company is trying to one up the other and us consumers can reap the benni from it. So here's the skinny. First, they are going to be sending out $50 gift cards to people who bought HD players or HD-DVD Attachments. Read More…
BREAKING - Florida Supreme Court Sanctions Jack Thompson
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 06:14 PM ]
GamePolitics has just released some breaking news about game hating attorney Jack Thompson. Following the Florida Supreme Court’s complaint about Jack’s frivolous and time wasting suit filings, it has just come to pass that the silver-haired enemy of videogames got smacked down with sanctions effectively hampering his ability to waste court time. Read More…
Privileges For Those Who...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 05:50 PM ]
Pre-Register with Squenix Members This is for all you die hard Squenix fans. Looks like they are opening up their Member program in the States next week. On the 24th to be exact. As of right now, they are letting those in the know to register their names and accounts to this service. Kind of to let those fans get first crack at their Usernames and such before it goes fully live. Already snagged up Hades on there if anyone was thinking of sniping it from me. :) There is no full word on what exactly will be coming with the Membership program. Read More…
Loads Of Band Stuff
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 04:31 PM ]
Rock Band Multiple Updates Ok, so instead of doing a bunch of different write-ups on this topic, I figured I would just lump them all together into one. 3 is a charm here. First, Rock Band just announced that they have sold over 6 million DLC songs since the games release. That of course is just insane to think about. At least to me. I probably wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't for the press release that they sent out about it all. Read More…
Update 2.20
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 03:51 PM ]
PS3 Firmware v2.20 To Bring BD-LIVE and More Not too big of news, but I know some people will care about it. At least those who either own or are a fan boy of the system. But it has just been discussed about what the next FW update will include. No In-Game XMB, but the BD information is pretty nice to know. Especially since the 2.0 version of the format now has disks that hold up to 100GB of data. Read More…
Tags: PS3, Firmware
Top 10 Funniest Gaming Related Videos IMO!
by Alyssa Porter [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 10:39 AM ]
Over the years I have found myself delving deep into Youtube, finding the most hilarious gaming videos, and even though some of these videos were proven “fake”, I still find them just as funny. Here are the top 10 most hilarious gaming-related video IN MY OPINION! 10. Teh n00b song 9. WoW Nerd 8. Kid Freaks! Read More…
Guitar Hero DS
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 06:59 AM ]
Tags: DS
by [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2008 - 09:46 PM ]
    Mario. You say the name and almost anyone will instantly associate it with what is arguably the most recognizable character to ever hit the videogame world. The theme song is iconic, his features are undeniable, and slap the name on any product almost guarantees instant success. But how much do we know about the man besides his love for a variety of colourful mushrooms and blondes in dresses (hey, sounds like a great Friday night, yaaaamean?? *wink wink*)? Read More…
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2008 - 07:56 AM ]
    This work by Marques Cannon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License   I wanted to point out that I KILL PXLS has released his latest work and if you like music and video games you can't go wrong with this. It is fresh and hip and if I tell you to like it you will enjoy it. Margues put some awesome effort into this and I asked him to make a song for Read More…
Penny-Arcade offerring $10,000 Game Education Scholarship
by Trina [ Tuesday, 18th of March 2008 - 11:43 PM ]
This is awesome and huge news! Penny Arcade has announced the Penny Arcade Scholarship for the 2008-2009 academic year. The Penny Arcade Scholarship awards one qualifiying student $10,000 to help pursue a career in the game industry. The application process requires a two-page essay describing the applicant's studies and intent to benefit the game industry. You'll also need two letters of recommendation and a copy of your transcripts. The other requirements include being a full-time student at an accredited college or university and must have a GPA with a 3. Read More…
Court upholds ban on Minnesota video game law
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 18th of March 2008 - 03:04 AM ]
So just to update you Minnesota attempted to get a law passed and it failed.  So they thought "hey" lets appeal and well that failed to. The Minnesota law would have imposed up to a $25 fine on minors younger than 17 caught buying or renting video games rated "M" for mature or "AO" for adults-only, under the video game industry's rating system. You would think other states and cities would pay attention to this but "this week, a committee in Massachusetts is planning to consider a bill, endorsed by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, that would--you guessed it--restrict violent video game sales to minors" source:  News. Read More…
Tags: Game, Law
Super Smash Bros Brawl Sells 1.4 Million in 1 Week!
by Alyssa Porter [ Monday, 17th of March 2008 - 11:54 PM ]
In one week only, Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Nintendo Wii a stunning 1.4 million! In one day Super Smash Bros Brawl sold 874,000 copies. Its GameCube predecessor, Super Smash Bros Melee sold 7 milliion. I have heard the game is worth it as well. Read More…
Tags: SSBB, Wii, Nintendo
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