So how would you like to play a game that speaks only
French? Imagine seeing “Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici, vous stupid idiot!” (What
the hell are you doing here you stupid idiot, and you thought reading this you
wouldn’t learn anything) Well in Quebec you can. You heard that right, according
to the Toronto Star, as of April 1st (and no this is not April fool
joke…) Quebec passed a law to prohibit sales of new English-only video in
Quebec if a French version is available. Because of this law retailers and
gamers will have to wait for new releases to come to Quebec due to developers
having to spend extra time to make the games French only.
“I’m afraid it’s going to cost me my business” said Ronnie
Rondeau, co-owner of Game Buzz around Montreal, “If it really was going to make
a difference, I’d be for it, but only a small number of people want to play in