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Lemnis Gate Is Hitting All The Big Players This Coming Summer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of April 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Lemnis Gate New platforms are confirmed for Lemnis Gate when we take aim with Lemnis Gate this Summer with its little time loop mechanics Get ready for a whole slew of new time loops out there with the announcement that Lemnis Gate will not only be coming this Summer, but it will also be hitting the PS5 and Xbox Series X when it does. That adds to the growing list of platforms that already had the PS4, Xbox One, and PC when Ratloop Canada dropped this title on us not too long ago. Dropped on us in the way of the initial announcement and now we just get more to look forward to when it comes to Lemnis Gate. Read More...
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PSN Cards Eh?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of June 2009 - 08:09 PM ]
PSN Cards Debut in Canada Hey, good news for all of you underage gamers in Canada. Underage as in can't have a credit card or debit card. Or if you are the kind of Canadian that doesn't want your card information on your PSN account. Or if you are one those people who like to give gift cards for presents. Or if you are on of those people who like to get gift cards as presents. Announced today through the PlayStation blog by Kyle Moffatt (Senior Public Relations Specialist), Canada will be getting PSN Cards. Read More...
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For The....Seals!!
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 9th of April 2009 - 06:03 AM ]
Alright you animal loving people out there especially those who play the lovely game of World of Warcraft. This Saturday the lovely group of peta has set up an event on the WhisperWind realm at the Howling Fjord area to help stop the killing of….seals??  “Thrall refused to ban the slaughter of seals, despite multiple requests from the Alliance to do so, because Orgrimmar stands to make a large profit from the fur.  Activists from across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are banding together to put a stop to the atrocious seal slaughter.” Just recently the Canadian government has started their killing on seals, which means sealers are free to kill up to 338,200 of these harmless creatures. Read More...
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French Please?
by Binh Nguyen [ Saturday, 4th of April 2009 - 10:43 AM ]
    So how would you like to play a game that speaks only French? Imagine seeing “Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici, vous stupid idiot!” (What the hell are you doing here you stupid idiot, and you thought reading this you wouldn’t learn anything) Well in Quebec you can. You heard that right, according to the Toronto Star, as of April 1st (and no this is not April fool joke…) Quebec passed a law to prohibit sales of new English-only video in Quebec if a French version is available. Because of this law retailers and gamers will have to wait for new releases to come to Quebec due to developers having to spend extra time to make the games French only. “I’m afraid it’s going to cost me my business” said Ronnie Rondeau, co-owner of Game Buzz around Montreal, “If it really was going to make a difference, I’d be for it, but only a small number of people want to play in French. Read More...
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