For The....Seals!!

Alright you animal loving people out there especially those who play the lovely game of World of Warcraft. This Saturday the lovely group of peta has set up an event on the WhisperWind realm at the Howling Fjord area to help stop the killing of….seals??  “Thrall refused to ban the slaughter of seals, despite multiple requests from the Alliance to do so, because Orgrimmar stands to make a large profit from the fur.  Activists from across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are banding together to put a stop to the atrocious seal slaughter.”

Just recently the Canadian government has started their killing on seals, which means sealers are free to kill up to 338,200 of these harmless creatures. As Canada is preparing for the 2010 Winter Olympics, peta is trying to take a stand by protesting to the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee to stop the sealers from killing thousands of seals.

This really irks me and here is why, if peta thinks that they can use the Ron Paul card to get people to show up and care about the seal event than they are in for a rude awakening as I was reading some of the posts in the WhisperWind realm forum and it seems like that do not care much about this event at all. Both Horde and the Alliances are going to team up alright…but it’s going to be to stop the peta supporters. They want to have an event to stop the killing of the seals in the game. Well how about the rest of the creatures in the game that you kill just to level your characters? I am not saying I am an animal lover like peta but let’s get real here peta.

So anyways if you want to help (or kill) in some way, you can by attending the event that is happening in the lovely game of World of Warcraft. The event will begin at 1 pm est. this Saturday on the WhisperWind realm. Oh by the way, you will need to be at least level 70 character to access the Howling Fjord area and once there you will find the seals living on glaciers. So to those who plays the game and is on that realm, try and have fun since it is not a PvP realm. FOR THE HORDE!....errrr I mean SEALS!!