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Tom Clancy’s XDefiant Welcomes Us To A New Kind Of Party
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of July 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Tom Clancy A new arena shooter in the Tom Clancy line is announced with Tom Clancy’s XDefiant claiming to offer up new surprises to the shooter genre Those thinking we might have been running low on the arena shooter line of games out there, we are here to help announce Tom Clancy’s XDefiant will be another to add into the mix on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. All as a new free-to-play style of game from Ubisoft set in the Tom Clancy space of everything. This should cover all of the cards out there for the different versions and style games that we can have from this IP. Read More...
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Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Players Will Be Stalked By The Terminator Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of January 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon The next live event for Ghost Recon is almost here, as the Terminator will be hunting down players in the next Ghost Recon: Breakpoint live event You had better be up to date on your killer robot hunting skills, as the next live event for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is coming on January 29th and will be bringing another beloved horror icon from Schwarzenegger's past back at us. All of that should have been the giveaway that the T-800 Terminator will be the next one that Ubisoft will be dropping into the game. The last one being the Predator for Ghost Recon: Wildlands over on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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Out Of The Shadows Stalks The New Ghost Recon: Breakpoint
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of May 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon The next in the Ghost Recon franchise is announced with Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and a lot of gameplay to show off for us Get ready for the next not-so-big surprise as we have the full announcement for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint here to keep the series rolling and all of you looking for a new Tom Clancy game happy. Did you honestly think that Ubisoft was not going to put this title out? Most likely not, but nonetheless, we are here to have a look at Ghost Recon: Breakpoint in all of its glory to see how the game could look and just what it could be bringing for us all to experience. Read More...
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It Is Time To Answer The Burning Question Of What Is The Division 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of March 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
The Division One more video for The Division 2 is here to make sure we all know what to expect from The Division 2 when it finally hits the streets tomorrow We have one more day from this original posting until The Division 2 hits all of the fans out there. We have had a ton of videos and updates, including a launch trailer for the game from Ubisoft already. That means we need one more to make sure we are all up to speed on what is going on in The Division 2 as well as the world that Massive Entertainment has created for us. Right? Read More...
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The Division 2 Will Launch Our Memories Into History
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of March 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
The Division The launch trailer of The Division 2 is here to show off a different look at how the world has changed and how The Division will fight on The open beta for The Division 2 has wrapped up and we still have ten more days from now to wait for the game to finally launch. Some of you are chomping at the bit and some of you are definitely more blasé with what we have seen. You know what you like and Massive Entertainment is not looking to catch every gamer out there even though I am sure they would like to. It is not possible in video games. Read More...
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The Division 2’s Post-Launch Content Has More Detail To It
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of March 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
The Division The free and paid post-launch content for The Division 2 is detailed out in the latest video for The Division 2 with plans following other title’s pattern The open beta for The Division 2 just kicked off today and here we are talking about what to expect down the road after the game launches on March 15th. It always seems odd to see all of this post-content talked about well before a game actually launches, but at least most of what we have here is being doled out for free from Ubisoft. Not just little things that could have been included in the launch version of The Division 2, but items and content that obviously will take Massive Entertainment just a bit longer to get done. Read More...
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The Division 2 Will Offer Up A Lot In The Coming Open Beta
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of February 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
The Division New details for the open beta for The Division 2 are here as well as a new video showing off just a bit more gameplay for The Division 2 At the end of this week we will all be able to dive into the world of The Division 2 as the open beta kicks off to help get things ready for the final release on March 15th. There have been a few closed and private ones before, as Ubisoft is want to do, so my feeling is this is going to be more of a demo or stress test for the servers. That does not mean that there will not be big parts of Massive Entertainment's game in there to experience and enjoy. Read More...
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The Endgame Is Upon Us In The Division 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of February 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
The Division 2 A new trailer for The Division 2 is here and shows off more of what we will be fighting for when The Division 2 finally drops soon We are mere weeks away from The Division 2 launching out there and it is time to hit up another trailer for the game. Something that we have not felt like we have seen enough over here, but it is high time to give Massive Entertainment's game a little bit of that spotlight. Not that it truly needs it given all of the other places Ubisoft is pushing the game, but we want in too. Even if The Division 2 is launching on March 15th and there is not much time left. Read More...
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Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Has Been Officially Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of March 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
The Division It looks like The Division 2 is officially coming at us soon as we now have the announcement that The Division 2 is in the works and building from the past Fans of The Division will be glad to see that after two years of fun they are finally going to be getting The Division 2. Yes, it has been announced and heading to us at some point and from Massive Entertainment again. There is no word on when, but know that The Division 2 is definitely coming and with an upgraded version of the Snowdrop engine and with all the lessons learned from the last two years of The Division. That is at least good to hear and not just another title being thrown out there by Ubisoft to cash in more. Read More...
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Ghost Recon Wildlands Is Bringing The Fallen Ghost Later In May
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of May 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon Wildlands The second batch of DLC for Ghost Recon Wildlands is about to drop and will add quite a bit more to Ghost Recon Wildlands' missions and regions If you are a Season Pass holder for Ghost Recon Wildlands, or just really digging the game and buying DLC one its own, then it looks like you have a new date to look forward to as the second batch of DLC will be dropping on May 30th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. Ubisoft is bringing the Fallen Ghosts DLC then and it will be adding not only a lot of gameplay extras, but will be bringing on a lot of the aftermath that occurs after the core of Ghost Recon Wildlands' story. You just plunged Bolivia into chaos and now there is a Civil War to get through with a whole lot of innocent humans in the middle of it all. Read More...
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Ghost Recon Wildlands' Story Has Been Well Crafted With A Real-World Flare
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of February 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon Wildlands A new behind the scenes video for Ghost Recon Wildlands has been released to give us a sense of how Ghost Recon Wildlands' story was crafted Hopefully by now you are all the way into the Ghost Recon Wildlands open beta and unlocking all the fun that we can expect on March 7th. If not, you should get in there and give the game a try. For those who opted to either wait or take a break from all the fun, it looks like Ubisoft has given us another taste of the game's story and how it was crafted. Read More...
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Ghost Recon Wildlands Is Also Getting An Open 'Beta' Before Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of February 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon Wildlands It has been announced that Ghost Recon Wildlands will be getting an open beta next week bringing one more Ghost Recon Wildlands location to explore since before The closed beta for Ghost Recon Wildlands has come and gone and many players had a chance to check out a small slice of the game and tool around with some of the gameplay features. I too missed out on it all due to time and other constraints so don't feel bad if you were in the same bucket. Also don't feel bad as it looks like Ubisoft is going to give everyone another chance to check out a bit of what Ghost Recon Wildlands has to offer with another beta. Read More...
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Even More Gameplay For Ghost Recon Wildlands Drops Before The Closed Beta
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of January 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon Wildlands A few more gameplay videos for Ghost Recon Wildlands have dropped just before the beta & we have word of bonuses for Ghost Recon Wildlands pre-orders Next weekend will mark the day that the Ghost Recon Wildlands closed beta kicks off and those lucky enough to get into it will have a chance to put the multiplayer through its paces. Also they'll be able to judge to see if Ubisoft is able to still deliver the experience that we've all been waiting for or if things are getting the media razzle dazzle out there. I guess that is another good aspect of having a beta for Ghost Recon Wildlands almost a month before launch unlike other titles out there that are waiting until the last few weeks to test things out. Read More...
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Here's A New Look At Ghost Recon Wildlands' World & Toys
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of January 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon Wildlands A new showcase video for Ghost Recon Wildlands has sprung up to show off the world of Ghost Recon Wildlands as well as the guns and how they sound Hopefully by now you have seen just how beautiful Ghost Recon Wildlands could potentially look when you spin it up on March 7th. So far it has looked amazing and sounds amazing but given how we've been burned in the past by other Ubisoft titles and the sizzle of promotional materials, it could leave one thinking that we are getting the razzle dazzle yet again. That's why I generally like to stay cautiously optimistic to pessimistic at all times so I won't be let down just in case games like Ghost Recon Wildlands don't live up to all of the hype and visuals that we are given during development. Read More...
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Join In On The Ghost Recon Wildlands Single Player Mission Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of January 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghost Recon Wildlands A breakdown of Ghost Recon Wildlands' single player missions has been placed out there giving 22 minutes of new Ghost Recon Wildlands gameplay We've had some pretty good looks at Ghost Recon Wildlands in the past and I am sure we will see a whole lot more as we get closer to March 7th but here we go with yet another one to get us ready to play the single player part of the game here. There is still the multiplayer part coming and heading to beta as Ubisoft is want to do, but here we are to focus on the single player part. Ghost Recon Wildlands is an open-world game after all and even though you will have a squad to control, it should be seen as a huge part of the overall game. Read More...
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