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Netflix And Sony Just Gave Us Coasters
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of October 2010 - 04:25 PM ]
We can all rejoice! The Netflix app is coming to the PS3 on the 18th of October. That's only a few days from now so use those soon to be obsolete PS3 discs until they no longer spin. Or at least find some new use for them. Maybe some form of artwork like some have done with the AOL disc of the old internet days. But the new app does not just bring the ability to instantly stream movies and TV without a disc. What else are we are getting? Read More...
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Redbox To Offer Video Game Rentals
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 13th of October 2010 - 08:23 PM ]
You may have heard that back in July Redbox was testing the gaming market waters to see if it could pull in more revenue. Well it looks like everything has gone pretty well and Redbox will be providing the service to thousands of kiosks nationwide. The service is not available yet, but is expected to launch later this month. If you want to find the closest Kiosk to you and possible video game selection check this out. According to XBox 360 digest games will be available at $2 per night. Read More...
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Netflix Finally Coming To PS3
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 26th of October 2009 - 05:56 PM ]
Why does it always seem like Sony is the last to get everything. Well finally Netflix will be able to be streamed to the 9 million PS3 homes around the nation. announced that Netflix will be available at no extra charge. Imagine that! But it's not available just yet... You can actually get a notification when it is usable by signing up here, but it looks to be sometime next month. Setup is simple as always, Netflix will overnight you an instant streaming disc and your all set. BAM!!! Read More...
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Goozex Enhances Service With Movie Trading
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 24th of August 2009 - 12:39 PM ]
Videogame trading website,, launched their brand new movie trading service last Monday, August 17th. The decision to add this service onto the Goozex experience has pleased many of the sites members, and has seen quick success in only a week's time. Members can easily trade DVDs, Blu-Ray, UMDs and even the deceased HD-DVDs, proving that the Goozex Team truly understands its audience. Goozex movie trading uses the same formula as the videogame trading. All movies have a set point price and rise and fall due to supply and demand, and as always it only costs 1 trade credit to receive a movie. Read More...
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Second Skin
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 12th of August 2009 - 08:49 PM ]
Second Skin is a documentary that follows the lives of seven people as they delve in to the world of MMORPGs. The film was directed by Juan Carlos Pineiro Escoriaza and produced by Victor Pineiro Escoriaza and Peter Brauer. The synopsis from the site reads: “Second Skin takes an intimate look at three sets of computer gamers whose lives have been transformed by online virtual worlds. An emerging genre of computer software called Massively Multiplayer Online games, or MMOs, allows millions of users to interact simultaneously in virtual spaces. Of the 50 million players worldwide, 50 percent consider themselves addicted. Read More...
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XBox Live Gets A Massive Update
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of August 2009 - 05:20 PM ]
XBox Live Summer Update Puts A World Of Entertainment At Your Fingertips Holy Hells there is a lot coming to XBox Live. All with in a week from today (August 5th, 2009). Not just minor updates either, but massive ones. Some of which teased about at E3 this year. Not to mention an "On Demand" type service for some the consoles games. You could pick and choose from the presser below what you think is awesome, but that might take too much time for you. That being said, let me sum up some of the larger additions and updates for the service here. Read More...
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Hollywood and Video Games: An OpEd
by Ben Brody [ Monday, 3rd of August 2009 - 01:58 PM ]
Two words that should never belong to each other: Movie Game. Let's face it, except for a select few (and let's keep in mind that GoldenEye 007 came out 2 years after the movie did), very few licensed games of a film have been even halfway decent, and yet more and more are coming out. Games from series like Harry Potter and Ice Age have been hits with kids that liked the films, but movie based games have failed to find a home with more mature audiences. Games like Resident Evil, Max Payne and Tomb Raider have spawned successful (Box office wise) movies, yet very few mature movies have spawned successful games. Perhaps it's due to the inherent fact that while in video games, players often feel like they have the freedom to make a choice that will affect how the game turns out. Read More...
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Get Your Free Movie On
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of November 2008 - 10:11 PM ]
Netflix Giving Away 48 Hour Streaming Trials With New XBOX 360 Games So I figured it was only a matter of time before we got these kinds of things, I didn't expect it so soon. Not that I'm complaining though. Oh, I'm talking about getting the free trial pamphlets for NetFlix for the new XBox service. I figured since most people get them for the normal service, they would pop up for gamers too. Well it looks like the below blogger just got one in the Quantum of Solace box. Read More...
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Top 10 Best Video Game Movies
by Andy [ Tuesday, 17th of June 2008 - 07:02 PM ]
As time moves on, we see more and more video games being made into movies. While some of them are just utterly fantastic, the others are just god awful. Let's take a look at the top 10 video game movies.                                   10. Street Fighter Street Fighter has come in number 10. Why do we love it? Read More...
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