Videogame trading website, Goozex.com, launched their brand new movie trading service last Monday, August 17th. The decision to add this service onto the Goozex experience has pleased many of the sites members, and has seen quick success in only a week's time. Members can easily trade DVDs, Blu-Ray, UMDs and even the deceased HD-DVDs, proving that the Goozex Team truly understands its audience.
Goozex movie trading uses the same formula as the videogame trading. All movies have a set point price and rise and fall due to supply and demand, and as always it only costs 1 trade credit to receive a movie. The price points on the movies are very accurate for most movies. Yet some same may question the prices of many of the box sets, but as most know the Goozex pricing algorithm will correct these prices in the coming months as demand increases. Your points are also universal, so you can use the points you earn from trading on both movies and games. Request and Offer queues have also been increased above the 300 item maximum.
In the first day of trading, the popularity of the service brought the site to almost a dead stop, with many users barely maneuvering through out the site to request and offer their many films. After the initial slam of offers and requests, the site slowly began to recover itself back to normal over the next few days. In just one week, the Goozex movie database has nearly 8,000 unique titles available for trade and ongoing trades have increased by around 2000.
While some titles available by retail still appear as a future release, Goozex is taking all comments and suggestions from its members and getting these available as they can. While currently in this beta stage, Goozex enlisted many members as beta testers who are helping to work out the issues and kinks that seldom arise. As mentioned earlier, the requests and offer maximums were increased, but unfortunately the max requests you can have coming in at once has remained stagnant at 20. Hopefully in the coming months this will see an increase to at least 25 or 30 titles, and possibly a separation of the game and movie queues.
As a long time power trader on Goozex, I found myself trading out over 40 movies in just one week and have seen almost 30 titles already on their way to me. It has allowed myself to finally rid myself of movies I've spent over a year trying to sell or trade off elsewhere and use the points I receive to upgrade many films to Blu-Ray or get in games I've wanted for awhile. I look forward to seeing how Goozex moves forward with the movie trading and the upcoming improvements as the beta develops and eventually finalizes.