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Sony Motion Controler Delayed... Big Surprise...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of January 2010 - 05:13 PM ]
That's right. Get ready for that surprise. Just announced, Sony is pushing the launch of the new motion controllers back to this Fall instead of in the next few months as they stated at E3 2009. Not to big of a surprise as it was still in very early tech demo stage no more than a half a year ago. Even though according to the below press release, it isn't for development issues on the hardware side. But more along the lines of not having a large list of titles ready to go for the launch of the new controllers. I'm not to sure if I buy that, but at least it is a good excuse to wait on launching new controllers that will require a $40 camera as well as how ever much it will cost to buy them. Read More...
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CES 2010: Aggrogamer with GestureTek
by Brian Bentley [ Sunday, 17th of January 2010 - 06:46 PM ]
With immersion in video games a hot topic at the Consumer Electronics Show this year, we took time out to visit with Vincent John Vincent, Co-Founder and President of GestureTek. GestureTek has been refining and defining camera-based motion capture and control software for two decades.  During our brief time with Vincent we heard about their new software development kit (SDK), which makes creating immersive webcam games a breeze.  I also was able to go “hands-off” with their demo and see this technology up close.Expecting a huge setup, I was surprised to find Vincent simply pulling out a laptop with an embedded webcam. Read More...
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CES 2010: Sixense Takes Motion Control to Next Level
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 13th of January 2010 - 08:42 PM ]
Of all the new technology seen at the Consumer Electronics Show this year, the Sixense TrueMotion motion control system was one of the finest on display.  Sixense had partnered with Razer the month prior and the established gaming peripheral maker wanted to show off the new goods.  Demonstrated on a PC, the sleek black units had much to brag about.The system consists of two black wands and a small tower. The wands have a directional pad and a few action buttons on the face, and while there is a feeling of weight to the device, it is lighter than a Wii wand. Read More...
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Resident Evil Now For An Alternative Lifestyle
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of October 2009 - 10:07 PM ]
Just to now follow up with their lack of counting ability, Capcom has just let loose a teaser for Resident Evil 5.2 Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition. A game that seems to be much like what Resident Evil Director's Cut was to Resident Evil. A new version of the game with a few little extra added in. Enough extras to warrant a new edition of the game for consumers to spend their hard earned money on. But for this game, it honestly seems like it could be worth it. Read More...
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A Goofier Way To Look While Playing Games
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of October 2008 - 05:58 PM ]
Sony Patents Ultrasonic Waggle Controller Technology A while back, there was a video showing a motion controller designed for the PS3. It looked like the Dual Shock 3 controller only that it split in the middle to make for two fists of fury. Really cool looking. But now there is a new patent passed through to create a new motion and proximity controller by Sony. And the images proposed look really goofy. But the technology is actually kind of cool when you think and look at it. Read More...
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