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Sony Motion Controler Delayed... Big Surprise...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of January 2010 - 05:13 PM ]
That's right. Get ready for that surprise. Just announced, Sony is pushing the launch of the new motion controllers back to this Fall instead of in the next few months as they stated at E3 2009. Not to big of a surprise as it was still in very early tech demo stage no more than a half a year ago. Even though according to the below press release, it isn't for development issues on the hardware side. But more along the lines of not having a large list of titles ready to go for the launch of the new controllers. I'm not to sure if I buy that, but at least it is a good excuse to wait on launching new controllers that will require a $40 camera as well as how ever much it will cost to buy them. Read More...
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