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It Is Official, LittleBigPlanet 2 Revealed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of May 2010 - 05:36 PM ]
It looks like the time has come. The time to wheel out the next big thing to come along with Sony's Move. No, not the ever-pushed-off US version of the Eye Pet, but the sequel to end all sequels, until another sequel comes out. Officially now, LittleBigPlanet 2 has been announced and with it came along with a little fun trailer. A trailer to show off some of the upgrades that have been done to their game platform and how a whole new generation of banned levels can look and feel. I will say that some of the promises shown and talked about in this reveal trailer are kind of interesting and all huge steps for those that dream to be level designers to show off their skills. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of August 2009 - 06:31 PM ]
Announcing: LittleBigPlanet – Game of the Year edition If there is one thing I hate when I open up a new DVD or Blu-Ray case, it's when there is an ad for a Special Edition of the same film that I bought coming out in a few weeks/months. A new edition with all the crazy extra features and extras that I wanted in the one I just bought. The kicker is when they advertise this new version for the same price as the one I just bought. It always leaves me burned by the company. Read More...
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Looks Like They Were Called
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of July 2009 - 03:22 PM ]
Ghostbusters LPB Costumes Last week one of the fun little things announced for LittleBigPlanet was the addition of a cool little Ghostbusters costume for the game. Well a few of them, but we only got a glimpse of one. You know, the ghost logo guy. look it up on your own time if you don't remember. Well this morning, from the official PlayStation blog, a screen of all four of the costumes you will be able to get this Thursday was just placed for our viewing pleasure. That and a few user created tributes to the film using existing stickers and creation tool stuff and the music video for Ghostbusters. A nice little fun tribute from them for the film too. Read More...
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The Sims Enter Social Life
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 14th of May 2009 - 04:03 PM ]
The Sims 3, which is release on June 2nd 2009, is beginning a media campaign to infiltrate your Social Network! Electronic Arts is going to use three new ways to let players enter the sims world on the web! Make them hang around your browser, send you an e-mail just to see how things are going, and even enter your iPhone. Starting Friday (5/15/09) new players will be able to download a free trial available at and at the Sims 3 fan page on Facebook. Read More...
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Killing With Sackboy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of February 2009 - 04:58 PM ]
Sack it to Me - The PSP Announcement Edition It has been a little while since something major has come out in the world of LittleBigPlanet and Sackboy. Quite some time. But when that time rolls around, the people from Media Molecule try not to hold back on what they have planned or in the current works. As they recently showed the world via the PlayStation Blog. Filling it up with one large announcement and a few extra cool little features. Read More...
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Amazon Bans Sales of Japanese Hentai Game Rapelay
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 14th of February 2009 - 03:12 PM ]
Amazon has found itself in a gaming controversy in the past few days as they pulled sales of a Japanese Hentai Game entitled Rapelay. Political pressure from the UK and outcry after various media reports caused Amazon to crack and stop the used sale from on of its affiliated sellers. This has brought about a huge debate of censorship against decency&values. A brief overview of this game is due for those who are not familiar with this game, and I assume that is most of the readers. Rapelay is a game produced in Japan only, and is about a young man who was turned in by a young school girl after molesting a woman on a train. Read More...
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Awesome LBP That Will Most Likely Never Be
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of December 2008 - 07:12 PM ]
Top 20 LittleBigPlanet Level Kit Predictions for 2009 It's the end of the year and it is time for all those absurd Top [Insert BS Here] lists to start hitting the interwebs. Because for some odd reason the American people and in turn some of the rest of the world give a flying gopher cheese donut about them. Mind you I did say some, not all. In any instance, I came across one that was totally awesome. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of November 2008 - 05:43 PM ]
I apologize now for the loads of news you will most likely be seeing surrounding this game. There is just so much and I get all kinds of details sent to me. More than any thing right now. So I'll preface that. But here are three interesting things that just popped up around LBP. LittleBigPlanet To Add Sticker Import From Hard Drive Might not sound all that cool, at least to some, but this is something that was originally stated was most likely never going to be an option within the game. What is that? Since I might not have been totally clear with the heading, looks like MM is working on a way to import images from the Hard Drive instead of just using your PSEye or USB Camera to get these images into your levels. Read More...
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Good Vs Bad You Be The Judge!
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Sunday, 24th of February 2008 - 09:19 PM ]
2008 is going to be a year for awesome game releases. Will the media spin video games in a negative view more this year? In today's world two things are true. You are getting PWNED or you give the PWNAGE. So we asked our registered users how they felt about the video game industry getting blamed for people's actions and the aftermath that ensues in some cases. Let's face it no one's blamed Frogger for jay walking. Let's not even get me started on Pitfall. Read More...
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