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Negative Atmosphere Reveals Gameplay That Shows Its Inspirations
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of April 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
Negative Atmosphere Real-time gameplay for Negative Atmosphere was debuted at EGX REZZED that shows off how inspired Negative Atmosphere truly is There has been a bit of news for Negative Atmosphere in the recent months as it is a new sci-fi horror game getting placed out there in the universe. Some have claimed that it looks like a few other games out there and Sun Scorched Studios has stated they have drawn inspirations from them. Now we are here out of EGX and we have some new gameplay to take in for Negative Atmosphere that shows off more of those inspirations and just how far the small team has brought the game so far. It is still early in development, so do not expect too much but it is still rather impressive at this point. Read More...
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Good Vs Bad You Be The Judge!
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Sunday, 24th of February 2008 - 09:19 PM ]
2008 is going to be a year for awesome game releases. Will the media spin video games in a negative view more this year? In today's world two things are true. You are getting PWNED or you give the PWNAGE. So we asked our registered users how they felt about the video game industry getting blamed for people's actions and the aftermath that ensues in some cases. Let's face it no one's blamed Frogger for jay walking. Let's not even get me started on Pitfall. Read More...
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