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Aggrocast Episode Eighty-Three: E3 2011 Special
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 20th of June 2011 - 04:37 PM ]
David, Corey and Brian are back at it to talk about this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. First, they wrap up what they've been playing outside of the show floor - including Dungeon Siege III, Dungeons And Dragons: Daggerdale, Alice: The Madness Returns, Duke Nukem Forever, Final Fantasy III, 4 Elements and of course, Brian's update on how many hours he's put into Persona 4. Our Care/Don't Care segment goes commando with an all-E3 focus, which is also our main topic.  I will say that our talk went on a bit with the sheer number of topics that presented themselves from E3. Read More...
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Alice Is Launched Into That Returning Madness
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 5th of June 2011 - 04:13 AM ]
Kind of weird that we are just under two weeks away from Alice: Madness Returns hitting shelves and we are getting a Launch Trailer. Not that it isn't appreciated, but I would expect a bit more hyping and teasing from EA before getting what is usually considered the last trailer before DLC type trailers. That is their usual motive when it comes to their PR department isn't it? Or is it only with games that are probably not going to do so well? Read More...
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Alice Shows How The Madness Turned Into Hysteria
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of May 2011 - 11:06 PM ]
It has been a while since I've played the original Alice but I really don't remember the combat to be as fast paced as the below clip for Alice Madness Returns shows. Not that I will complain because I remember that being an issue when I first played the original. It just seems like they twisted every part of the original just as much as the mind of Alice in the first place. Hmm… Maybe that is why… Or it could just be to appease the console players out there. Continuing down that rabbit hole, another interesting addition the game play looks to be the Hysteria mode. Read More...
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Finally Some Game Play From Alice: Madness Returns
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of March 2011 - 12:16 AM ]
I'm not saying that all those teasers or pre-rendered trailers were not fun, but I wanted some of the nuts and bolts for Alice: Madness Returns. It looks like patience has finally paid off in this area as we now have a glimpse at how the game will handle once it hits store shelves and in turn our hands. Like I said, FINALLY! Moving on, I will say that it looks like Alice is definitely taking a more action packed role in this one. Read More...
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Alice Has A Little Problem...She Stabs People...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of February 2011 - 10:23 PM ]
To me this isn't really a problem but a well adjusted response to the twisted stuff Alice went through in the first game. I mean come on, she deserves to get some of that anger, aggression and violent feelings out some way and what better than stabbing the shit out of every living creature at the Tea Party. Confused on what I am talking about? Then it is obvious you have yet to see the new teaser for Alice: Madness Returns which I am so nice to present to you below. Read More...
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Has Alice Gone All Mad With Fire?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of September 2010 - 10:37 PM ]
With the Tokyo Game Show now in full swing, expect to see a lot of new things hit the wire. One of these is EA and Spicy Horse's upcoming sequel Alice: Madness Returns. If you weren't already in the know, let me give you the official heads up with the trailer below for the game that was shown just recently in Japan. Now for you fans that have been chomping at the bit to get something new for the game - let's face it, there hasn't been much - here is another huge tease to the game. Under half a minute of non-game footage to promote the fact that Alice: Madness Returns is still coming to our gaming systems soon. Read More...
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