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A Steam Cloud is rolling in...
by [ Tuesday, 4th of November 2008 - 02:20 AM ]
Today, Valve has announced a platform that will store game applications online so that gamers can access them from any PC. Affectionately titled Steam Cloud, the November zombie thriller Left 4 Dead will ship with out-of-the-box support. According to Valve, the Steam Cloud "just works," meaning that any changes a gamer makes to configurations in-game such as button layouts, difficulty settings, or multiplayer options will be automatically delegated to the user’s Steam Cloud account on another computer. Gabe Newell, president and co-founder of Valve, explains: "For some time now, Steam has allowed gamers to log on from any computer in the world and access their applications. This also makes it easy to upgrade a PC without worrying about losing your games. Read More...
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Pwned's Gears Of War 2 Release Party Gaming Night
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 28th of October 2008 - 04:16 PM ]
Join us at 9PM EST/6PM PST on November 7th 2008 for a 2 hour long special Gears of War 2 Pwned Gaming Night in celebration of it’s release.  Everyone who participates will receive 200 Pwned Points each, and the top 3 winners will get 1500, 1000 and 500 Pwned Points Respectively. We also have as special prizes for the night, 2 Gears of War 2 T-Shirts (1 XLarge & 1 Large), as well as a Gears Of War 2 COG Tag, which will be drawn at random amongst all Pwned members in attendance.  We look forward to everyone attending this special release day event. Further details can be found on the Calendar Page and by following the link below. Read More...
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Advertisement's Gaming Night Schwag Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 3rd of September 2008 - 12:47 AM ]
After going to the various conventions and expos, we at realized that we have a lot of schwag we picked up.  The items include posters, toys, buttons, stickers, demos and more.  Instead of hording all of this for ourselves, we are giving back to you, the members of the site.  We had quite a few ideas of how to give this stuff away, some ridiculous, some too much of a pain in the arse to do.  We finally came up with the idea of combining the contest with our Gaming Nights. Read More...
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Open War Begins
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of August 2008 - 07:52 PM ]
Open Beta For Warhammer Online Given If you are one of those people who really wanted in to the beta for the new Warhammer Online game, but were shafted. Well all hope is not lost. Kind of. Well, at least for a week or two before the game goes gold. Let me explain, or you can skip down to the release for this. If you pre-order the game through select retailers, they are listed on the site, you can get into the public beta for the game on September 7th. A few weeks before the release date of the 18th of September. Read More...
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180-degree field of vision for gaming
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 12th of May 2008 - 07:51 PM ]
The jDome Website is home to this project that creates a monitor view with an immersive 180-degree field of vision for gaming, using a pretty simple patented approach that only costs a couple of hundred dollars to construct. There's a video with the inventor showing off a prototype of the project on Gizomdo, where they comment on it's potential to induce headaches. The inventor is looking to generate a community around this project to help take it to the point where it can be put into production. Read More...
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by Alyssa Porter [ Saturday, 12th of April 2008 - 07:03 AM ]
  Today my boyfriend bought me a gift, completely out of the blue. The Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition. This gift was right up my alley and it is awesome. This is the first time Guinness has devoted a book exclusively to games. Gamer’s Edition has chapters of the most amazing gaming feats, highest scores, best selling games, and small facts that you might not know. There is also a website where you can try to make the Guinness World Record book with your own game score (www.guinnessworldrecords. Read More...
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 No PC or Console Gaming While Drunk Bill
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 1st of April 2008 - 02:00 AM ]
A new bill to hit the floor of congress, if passed, could mean that you can be arrested for drinking too much while playing Consoles or PC Games. The main concern is that the FBI is going to use the bill to tap the phone lines of anyone who "uses or abuses alcohol" while accessing the internet. With the recent claims that video games cause violence they decided to use this an another way to label the bill. Congress apparently thinks being drunk on a highway is bad no matter what kind of highway it is. I understand drinking has always been an issue and the appeal to stop people who sit at home and drink and get perverted or crazy, but to add the video game part to this is just freaking silly. Read More...
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Top 10 Funniest Gaming Related Videos IMO!
by Alyssa Porter [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 10:39 AM ]
Over the years I have found myself delving deep into Youtube, finding the most hilarious gaming videos, and even though some of these videos were proven “fake”, I still find them just as funny. Here are the top 10 most hilarious gaming-related video IN MY OPINION! 10. Teh n00b song 9. WoW Nerd 8. Kid Freaks! Read More...
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World Cyber games announces tournament games
by Trina [ Monday, 17th of March 2008 - 07:02 PM ]
World Cyber Games has announced their official tournament games for 2008. Halo 3, Guitar Hero III, Starcraft: Brood War, Warcraft III:The Frozen Throne will all be a part of WCG. Also for the first time, Asphalt 3: Street rules, a mobile game will be part of the tournament. "It is with great honor that the WCG announces the most powerful, broad-reaching and distinguished lineup of tournament games in the history of eSports," said Hyoung-Seok Kim, president and CEO, International Cyber Marketing, organizers of the WCG. You can now register at www.worldcybergames. Read More...
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Older Professional Gamer league closes it's doors
by Trina [ Friday, 14th of March 2008 - 07:31 PM ]
It's sad, but true, the Cyberathlete Professional League has announced that they will be closing the league. CPL has been around and popular since 1997, but the showey World Series of VideoGames and CGS have taken a toll on CPL. All events that were scheduled for 2008 have been cancelled. "Effective immediately, the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) will cease operations. Therefore, all CPL events currently scheduled for 2008 are hereby canceled," said a post on the CPL website. "The current fragmentation of the sport, a crowded field of competing leagues, and the current economic climate have prompted the CPL to suspend its pro-tournament operations. Read More...
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Sex Losing Popularity
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 10:14 PM ]
Sex is only the 10th most popular bedtime activity, says survey So after reading a few things on the Forums today I decided to post about this here. Here is a study that was done out of the UK on what goes on in the bed. Sex hit the bottom of the ten while of course sleep hit the top of the list. Which of course make sense, the sleep thing that is. It is what the bed is for. Read More...
Tags: Gaming, Sex, Survey,
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FC Twin: Almost Perfect
by Alyssa Porter [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 05:33 PM ]
FC Twin: Almost Perfect for Classic Gamers. The FC Twin is a video gaming system by Famiclone that allows you to play Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The FC Twin has separate circuitry and card slots allowing it to play for both game systems. The switch can be set to on/off, NES, or SNES. This system is almost perfect for lovers of classic Nintendo games. The only down side is that it is not compatible with 10-15% of the NES and SNES games and not compatible with the NES Zapper. Read More...
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"Geek" Culture
by Alyssa Porter [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 11:04 PM ]
Geek Culture though my eyes We all know what it feels like to be an outcast and somewhat different than your peers. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or the work force, you know what it feels like to be left out. For all of you who have ever been called a geek, nerd, dork, or freak, I know how you feel. When I was in high school I used to try to defend myself against such names as “geek” but now I realize that names like that are not such bad things. Each of these descriptive definitions of someone has many positive aspects to offer. Read More...
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Audiosurf: Steam's Best Selling Title In February
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 05:47 PM ]
Audiofurf is one of the best selling games according to Steam and Valve Valve sent over a press release on my favorite game Audiosurf. Don't forget our interview with Audiosurf just in case you missed it. "Independent Music Game Phenomenon Tops Orange Box, and More March 5, 2008 - Audiosurf, the innovative and award-winning title that allows gamers to "ride their music," topped the February sales charts for dollars and units sold via Steam, a leading online platform for the distribution and management of PC games with over 15 million accounts worldwide." In addition to outselling The Orange Box, Counter-Strike, and hundreds of other great games available via Steam, the month of February also delivered numerous awards and top reviews to Audiosurf's solo author, Dylan Fitterer. "The critics are calling Audiosurf one of the most innovative music games ever released. Read More...
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Brainscan 2.0 (Am I The Only One Who Saw That Film?)
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:56 AM ]
Emotiv EPOC™ Needs Beta Tester So I posted before about how Emotiv was bringing a controller onto the market that used brain waves to control the game. It was in the old news section before you start searching for it. There were a few videos of other reporters using the device to lift in game items or make them vanish. The ultimate Jedi training simulator. Well now it looks like they are ready to push forward with the whole thing and push it into closed beta. Read More...
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